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From Wenlin Dictionaries
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<WL>拯 [zhěng] 拯救 zhěngjiù rescue, deliver, save
<WL>拯 [zhěng] 拯救 zhěngjiù rescue, deliver, save
From 扌(手 shǒu) ‘hand’ and 丞 chéng phonetic.
From 扌(手 shǒu) ‘hand’ and 丞 chéng phonetic.
#rK.GSR896i D.3.1876.8 M.360 G.320.52 KX..427.22 B.105.0.01
#rK.GSR896i D.3.1876.8 M.360 G.320.52 KX..427.22 B.105.0.01 E.1
#y ching/
#y ching/

Revision as of 11:46, 23 June 2016

拯 [To view this entry, please log in]

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