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<WL>媾 [gòu] wed; 媾和 gòuhé make peace; 交媾 jiāogòu copulate
<WL>媾 [gòu] wed/marry, unite in marriage; 交媾 copulate, have sexual intercourse; 媾和 make peace@@; (HDZ:) …
From 女 (nǚ) ‘woman’ and 冓 gòu ‘intertwine’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 媾(􂉯) gòu ‘unite in marriage’ combines 女 (nǚ) ‘woman’, and 冓(􀪷) gòu (phonosemantic); later wr. 姤.
Cognate with 构() gòu as in 结构 jiégòu ‘structure’.
Compare: 姤 gòu ‘mate/spouse’ (䷫); 讲/講(􀚔𧪿) jiǎng ‘haggle/discuss/reconcile’; 购/購(􁅉) gòu ‘purchase/buy (haggle over trade-goods)’.
Compare: 逅 hòu, 遘(􀒵) hòu ‘(happen to) meet/encounter’ (䷫).
Compare: 觏/覯(􁞁) gòu ‘(happen) to meet/see’, in SJ used in bridal context, cf. 觏.
HDZ: 媾 : gòu : (金) 或省女; 重叠交互为婚姻; 厚待, 宠爱; 交好, 讲和; 交合; 遘: 遭遇
HDZ: 媾 : gòu : 重叠交互为婚姻 (cf. 姤); 接亲 (缔结姻亲; 迎接新娘); 厚待, 宠爱; 交好, 讲和 (cf. 講); 交合; 遘: 遭遇
HDC: 交構/媾 : 阴阳交合; 性交; (交搆, 交遘) (互相构陷; 勾结; 离间, 播弄是非)
#rG.439.24 K.AD418,GS109e,GSR109e D.2.1070.9 M.3426 KX..268.28 B.300.1.04
#rG.439.24 K.AD418,GS109e,GSR109e D.2.1070.9 M.3426 KX..268.28 B.300.1.04
#y gau-
#y gau-

Latest revision as of 02:31, 23 October 2018

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