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<WL>军(F軍) [jūn] army, military
<WL>军(F軍) [jūn] 军队 army/troops, 军事 military; 进军 march/advance; 军民 soldiers & civilians; 空军 air force
From 冖 over 车(chē) ‘chariot’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 军/軍(􂡴𠣞) jūn ‘surround; army/unit (of 4,000 men)’ combines 包(􁣘) bāo (as in 包围 ‘surround/encircle’) abbrev. to 勹(􁣆) bāo, and /車 (chē) ‘war chariot’; in the modern form 軍 the old component 勹 is abbrev. as 冖.
“The seal has not 冖 but 勹: the surrounding force, escort of the 車 war-chariot(s): a troop” —Karlgren.
Note: 勹(􁣆) is a variant of 人(􁕎) rén ‘person’, wr. so as to enfold/surround something (as in 包 bāo ‘wrap/enclose’); hence the old/primary meaning 軍 jūn ‘surround’ (simultaneous head-on and flank military assault, to surround/annihilate the enemy, which requires a large force).
Compare: 挥/揮(􂇟𢰄) huī ‘rouse/incite (to battle); wave/brandish (weapon)’; 运/運(􀓁𨔪) yùn ‘move; turn; transport’.
Compare: 䡣(􂡪) hūn ‘(curved wooden) yoke (on/around the neck of a draft animal)’.
Compare: 君(􀍿𠱭􀎀) jūn ‘monarch’.
“The seal [軍(􂡴𠣞)] has not 冖 but 勹: the surrounding force, escort of the 車 war-chariot(s): a troop” —Karlgren(AD).
“A legion 勹 of 4000 soldiers, with 車 chariots; 四千人包車為軍。By extension, an army” —Wieger.
“A legion 勹 of 4000 soldiers, with 車 chariots; 四千人包車為軍。By extension, an army” —Wieger.
Note that 勹 is a variant of 人 (rén) ‘person’, written so as to enfold or surround something, as in 包 bāo.
#rW.167c K.AD508 D.1.303.7 B.036.0.02 E.0
#rW.167c K.AD508 D.1.303.7 B.036.0.02
#y gwan\</WL>
#y gwan\

Latest revision as of 00:31, 21 June 2019

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