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The simple-form character 载 (10 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character 載 (13 strokes), replacing the full-form component 車 (7 strokes) with its simple form 车 (4 strokes).
The simple-form character 载 (10 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character 載 (13 strokes), replacing the full-form component 車 (7 strokes) with its simple form 车 (4 strokes).
The full-form character 載 (13 strokes) is an abbrev. of the old form 𨌏 (14 strokes), replacing the old component 𢦒 (7 strokes) with 𢦏 (6 strokes).
The full-form character 載 (13 strokes) is an abbrev. of the old form 𨌏 (14 strokes), replacing the old component 𢦒 (7 strokes) with 𢦏 (6 strokes).
Note: The old component 𢦒 is abbrev. as 𢦏, replacing the old component /才 (3 strokes) with 十 (2 strokes).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 载/載(􂡳𨌏) zài ‘ride as passenger; conveyance; carry/load’ combines 车/車(􂠴) chē ‘cart/carriage’, and 𢦏(􂍡𢦒) zāi ‘cut/injure’ (phonosemantic).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 载/載(􂡳𨌏) zài ‘ride as passenger; conveyance; carry/load’ combines 车/車(􂠴) chē ‘cart/carriage’, and 𢦏(􂍡𢦒) zāi ‘cut/injure’ (phonosemantic).
Note: (诗) (正月) 其車既載、乃棄爾輔、載輸爾載 “Your carriage is loaded, And if you throw away your wheel-aids, Your load will be overturned, [...]” (Legge)
Note: (诗) (正月) 其車既載、乃棄爾輔、載輸爾載 “Your carriage is loaded, And if you throw away your wheel-aids, Your load will be overturned, [...]” (Legge)

Latest revision as of 07:53, 10 September 2019

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