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<WL>架 [jià] frame/rack/shelf; framework; put/pile/prop up, build, support; (量) (machine/apparatus)@@; (HDZ:) …
<WL>架 [jià] frame/rack/shelf; framework; put/pile/prop up, build, support; (量) (machine/apparatus)@@; (HDZ:) …
The character 架 jià ‘frame/rack/shelf’ combines 加(􂜛) jiā ‘add/pile’ (phonosemantic), and 木 (mù) ‘tree/wood’; formerly wr. 枷(􁀓).
The character 架 jià ‘frame/rack/shelf’ combines 木 (mù) ‘tree/wood’, and 加(􂜛) jiā ‘add/pile’ (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 枷(􁀓), 𢉤, 𢱌, 榢.
Note: Formerly wr. 枷(􁀓), the form 架 was invented to distinguish 架 jià ‘frame/rack/shelf’ from 枷 jiā ‘flail; cangue’.
Note: Formerly wr. 枷(􁀓), the form 架 was invented to distinguish 架 jià ‘frame/rack/shelf’ from 枷 jiā ‘flail; cangue’.
Compare: 驾/駕(􁩖) jià ‘hitch/yoke up; drive’.
Compare: 驾/駕(􁩖) jià ‘hitch/yoke up; drive’.
HDZ: 架 : jià : 支承或搁置物体的用具或构件 (衣架, 屋架, 葡萄架) (cf. 枷 jià); 人体或事物的组织、结构 (骨架, 架屋); 架设, 构筑 (架桥, 架电线); 交错, 重叠; 支承, 支撑 (cf. 加); 捏造, 虚构 (架词诬控); 争斗 (吵架, 打架, 劝架); (量词) (两柱之间; 一架飞机, 两架收音机; (方言) 山一座); 駕: 超越, 凌驾其上
HDZ: 架 : jià : (cf. SW: 枷) 支承或搁置物体的用具或构件 (衣架, 屋架, 葡萄架) (cf. 枷 jià); 人体或事物的组织、结构 (骨架, 架屋); 架设, 构筑 (架桥, 架电线); 交错, 重叠; 支承, 支撑 (cf. 加); 捏造, 虚构 (架词诬控); 争斗 (吵架, 打架, 劝架); (量词) (两柱之间; 一架飞机, 两架收音机; (方言) 山一座); 駕: 超越, 凌驾其上
#rD.2.1190.7 M.583 G.421.35 KX..517.10 B.138.1.02 E.1
#rD.2.1190.7 M.583 G.421.35 KX..517.10 B.138.1.02 E.1
#y ga/ ga-
#y ga/ ga-

Latest revision as of 07:50, 10 September 2019

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