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The simple-form character 总 (9 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character 總 (17 strokes), omitting the left-side full-form component 糸 (6 strokes), and replacing the full-form component 悤 (11 strokes) with the abbrev. form 总 (substituting 𠮦 for 囱/囪, not 㕣; cf. 兑).
The simple-form character 总 (9 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character 總 (17 strokes), omitting the left-side full-form component 糸 (6 strokes), and replacing the full-form component 悤 (11 strokes) with the abbrev. form 总 (substituting 𠮦 for 囱/囪, not 㕣; cf. 兑).
Note: The simple-form character 总 omits the full-form component 糸 rather than simplifying it to 纟; the component 悤 of the full form could not be used as the simple form of 總 (without modification) because 悤 was already in use for 怱/匆 cōng ‘hurry/hasty’; cf. 匆.
Note: The simple-form character 总 omits the full-form component 糸 rather than simplifying it to 纟; the component 悤 of the full form could not be used as the simple form of 總 (without modification) because 悤 was already in use for 怱/匆 cōng ‘hurry/hasty’; cf. 匆.
Note: The full-form character 總 is also wr. 緫, with 怱 instead of 悤.
The full-form character 總 is also wr. 緫, with 怱 instead of 悤.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 總(􂐮) zǒng ‘bind/truss together/up’ combines 糸 (sī) ‘silk/thread/cord’, and 悤(􁯶) cōng (phonosemantic).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 總(􂐮) zǒng ‘bind/truss together/up’ combines 糸 (sī) ‘silk/thread/cord’, and 悤(􁯶) cōng (phonosemantic).
Compare: 總 zǒng ‘torch (of bundled hemp/flax stems)’; 葱/蔥(􀊭) cōng ‘green onion’.
Compare: 總 zǒng ‘torch (of bundled hemp/flax stems)’; 葱/蔥(􀊭) cōng ‘green onion’.
Compare: 聪/聰(􂃼) cōng ‘sharp/acute (of hearing); sharp/clever’.
Compare: 聪/聰(􂃼) cōng ‘sharp/acute (of hearing); sharp/clever’.
#rK.AD1118 D.1.249.2 B.130.0.03
#rK.AD1118 D.1.249.2 B.130.0.03
#y jung/
#y jung/

Latest revision as of 07:50, 10 September 2019

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