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The character 篷 péng ‘(woven) bamboo shelter/shade (from rain/sun)’ combines 竹 (zhú) ‘bamboo’, and 逢(􀒶) féng (phonosemantic).
The character 篷 péng ‘(woven) bamboo shelter/shade (from rain/sun)’ combines 竹 (zhú) ‘bamboo’, and 逢(􀒶) féng (phonosemantic).
Compare: 缝/縫(􂒥) féng ‘sew (stitch together, with needle and thread)’.
Compare: 缝/縫(􂒥) féng ‘sew (stitch together, with needle and thread)’.
HDZ: 篷 : péng : 遮蔽风雨和阳光的器具, 用篾席或帆布等制成 (车篷, 帐篷); 船帆; 船
Compare: 棚(􁀹) péng ‘light-framed/covered pavilion/tower’.
HDZ: 篷 : péng : 遮蔽风雨和阳光的器具, 用篾席或帆布等制成 (车篷/蓬, 帐篷); 船帆; 船
#rD.5.3003.11 M.5067 G.032.12 KX..896.08 B.393.1.03 E.1
#rD.5.3003.11 M.5067 G.032.12 KX..896.08 B.393.1.03 E.1
#y puhng\
#y puhng\

Latest revision as of 04:36, 9 June 2019

篷 [To view this entry, please log in]

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