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<WL>腕 [wàn] (手腕) wrist; 腿腕子 tuǐwànzi ankle@@; (HDZ:) 手臂与手掌相连部分 (cf. 𢯲); (口腕, 腕足); 手段, 伎俩; 掔: 握
<WL>腕 [wàn] (手腕) wrist; 腿腕子 tuǐwànzi ankle@@; (HDZ:) 手臂与手掌相连部分 (cf. 𢯲); (口腕, 腕足); 手段, 伎俩; 掔: 握
The character 腕 wàn ‘wrist’ (手腕) combines 月(肉 ròu) ‘flesh’ (bodypart), and 宛(􁏝) wǎn ‘curve/bend’ (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 𢯲(􂄡).
The character 腕 wàn ‘wrist’ (手腕) combines 月(肉 ròu) ‘flesh’ (bodypart), and 宛(􁏝) wǎn ‘curve/bend’ (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 捥/䯛, 𢯲(􂄡), cf. 𢯲.
Compare: 宛(􁏝) wǎn ‘(a tangle of) curling/twisted plants/vines’.
Compare: 宛(􁏝) wǎn ‘(a tangle of) curling/twisted plants/vines’.
Compare: 夗(􁊞) yuàn ‘to lie/sleep on one's side (with the knees curled up, in fetal position)’.
Compare: 夗(􁊞) yuàn ‘to lie/sleep on one's side (with the knees curled up, in fetal position)’.

Latest revision as of 02:05, 9 August 2019

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