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<WL>井 [jǐng] (water) well; ䷯ @@[jìng] 瀞靜(淨凈) clean/clear water
<WL>井 [jǐng] 水井 well (of water); 油井 oil well; 矿井 mine/pit; (卦名) ䷯@@; (HDZ:) …  [jìng] 瀞靜(淨凈) clean/clear water
“Primitively, it was designed to represent eight square lots of fields, divided among eight families, reserving the middle square for public use, and digging a well in it. The well is represented by a dot; 八家一井。象。Such was the custom in antiquity. See Textes Historiques, p. 25. The system was abolished, and the character is now used to mean, a well... phonetic in 刑 xíng” —Wieger.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 井(􀷎丼) jǐng ‘wellspring’ is said to depict the nine-fold division of a parcel of land, with a wellspring in the center, surrounded by eight cultivated plots (井田 jǐngtián ‘well-field system’, cf. 耕); or, it depicts the 韓 ‘wood-framed well fence/winch’ (银牀: 井栏; 辘轳架), with a 丶 dot in the middle signifying the 瓮 earthen jar lowered into the well by rope to fetch water.
The dot is missing in the modern form.
Compare: 汬(􀷒𣲜􀷐𨸥阱􀷑穽) jǐng ‘wellspring/pit/mine’ (old forms assoc. with this same character).
#rW.115a K.AD1084,GSR819a D.1.10.4 L.179 M.1143 KX..86.14 B.005.0.05
Compare: 耕(􀰥𦓮) gēng ‘plow/cultivate’ (dig), 刑(􀷓𠛜㓝) xíng ‘punish’ (both with 井 phonosemantic).
#y jeng/ jing/</WL>
Compare: 丹(􀷆𠂁) dān ‘cinnabar’ (sometimes wr. 井 in compounds).
Note: In the modern form 井 the central dot of the old form 丼(􀷎) is omitted.
Note: In the hexagram of this name ䷯井 the lower nuclear trigram ☱ represents the ☳ ‘vessel’ of ☵ ‘water’ being drawn up by winch/rope; within ䷯ is the nuclear hexagram ䷥ (cf. 㓝).
“[井] Primitively ... designed to represent eight square lots of fields, divided among eight families, reserving the middle square for public use, and digging a well in it. The well is represented by a dot; 八家一井。象。Such was the custom in antiquity. See Textes Historiques, p. 25. The system was abolished, and the character is now used to mean, a well... phonetic in 刑 xíng” —Wieger.
HDZ: 井 : jǐng : 水井 (cf. 阱: 陷阱, 机阱); 形状象水井的 (矿井, 油井, 汤井); (藻井, 天井); 井田 (八家一井; cf. 甸: 六十四井); 人口聚居之处; 法度 (cf. 刑); 深; (卦名) ䷯; (星名) 井宿; (中医) (术语); 瀞/淨 (jìng): 洁净 (cf. 妌); (姓)
HDC: 井田 : (古) 一种土地制度, 以方九百亩为一里, 划为九区, 形如 “井” 字; 田地; …
HDC: 汲古 : 钻研或收藏古籍、古物, 如汲水于井
#rW.115a K.AD1084,GSR819a D.1.10.4 L.179 M.1143 KX..86.14 B.005.0.05 WHY...77 E.1
#y jeng/ jing/

Latest revision as of 03:48, 9 June 2019

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