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<WL>臿 [chā] (古) to hull grain (SW:) 舂去麦皮; (=鍤) 锹 shovel/spade@@; (HDZ:) …  [chá] ?
<WL>臿 [chā] (古) to hull grain (SW: 舂去麦皮); (=鍤) 锹 shovel/spade@@; (HDZ:) …  [chá] ?
The Shuōwén Seal form of 臿(􁍷𦥫) chā ‘to hull grain’ rams a 千/干(􀗽) gān ‘pestle’ above, into the 臼(􁍴) jiù ‘hollow mortar’ below.
The character 臿 (9 strokes) is an abbrev. of old forms such as 𦥫 (11 strokes), replacing the old form of the lower component 臼󰀁 (8 strokes) with the later form 臼 (6 strokes), and the old upper component 干 (gān) with a shape like 千 (qiān).
“To separate the grain from the husk” —Mathews.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 臿(􁍷𦥫) chā ‘to hull grain’ rams a 千/干(􀗽) gān ‘pestle’ (cf. 午/杵) into the 臼(􁍴) jiù ‘hollow mortar’ below, hulling/grinding the grain within (removing the hull/husk/bran).
Compare: 插(􂅦) chā ‘insert’ (插入), formerly wr. 臿.
Compare: 午(􂥸􁀔杵) wǔ ‘pestle’; 齿/齒(􀕗􀕘𠚒𦥒𠚕) chǐ ‘tooth/teeth’.
Compare: 插(􂅦) chā ‘insert’ (插入), formerly wr. 臿; 锸/鍤(􂝹) chā ‘long sewing needle’.
Compare: 舂(􁍵𦦓) chōng ‘pound/thresh (grain)’; 秦(􁌮) Qín; 春(􀋡萅) chūn ‘spring’.
Compare: 舂(􁍵𦦓) chōng ‘pound/thresh (grain)’; 秦(􁌮) Qín; 春(􀋡萅) chūn ‘spring’.
HDZ: 臿 : chā : 舂去麦皮; 锹, 掘土的农具 (cf. 鍤); 插: 夹杂, 穿插
“[臿] To separate the grain from the husk” —Mathews.
HDZ: 臿 : chā : (SW: 舂去麥皮) 舂去麦皮; 锹, 掘土的农具 (cf. 鍤); 插: 夹杂, 穿插
#rG.543.45 W.102a K.AD1156,GSR631a D.5.3038.2 M.112 KX..1003.06 E.1
#rG.543.45 W.102a K.AD1156,GSR631a D.5.3038.2 M.112 KX..1003.06 E.1
#y chaap-
#y chaap-

Latest revision as of 02:05, 9 August 2019

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