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<WL>玄 [xuán] black, dark; profound, abstruse; 玄学 metaphysics; (radical 95, 玄部)@@; (HDZ:) …  [xuàn] 泫; 眩; 炫
<WL>玄 [xuán] black, dark; profound, abstruse; 玄学 metaphysics; (radical 95, 玄部)@@; (HDZ:) …  [xuàn] 泫; 眩; 炫
The character 玄(􀫅􀫆𠵓) xuán ‘deep/dark reddish black’ combines 亠/入(􀸾) ‘enter into’, and 幺(􀪺􂏴𢆯) ‘fine strand/thread’ as in 𢆶(􀪼) in 幽(􀪽) ‘dark’: profoundly black, as in a deep/dark valley.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 玄(􀫅􀫆𠵓) xuán ‘deep/dark reddish black’ combines 亠/入(􀸾) ‘enter into’, and 幺(􀪺􂏴𢆯) yāo ‘fine strand/thread’ as in 𢆶(􀪼) in 幽(􀪽) ‘dark’: profoundly black, as in a deep/dark valley.
Note: The shade of color (from light to dark) is determined by the number of 入 dippings into the dyestuff; cf. 染(􁽳) rǎn ‘to dye/color silk’.
Compare: 炫(􁮭) xuàn ‘flicker/flash/dazzle’.
Compare: 白(􁔹􁔺𦣺) bái ‘white’, in which also 入(􀸾).
Compare: 白(􁔹􁔺𦣺) bái ‘white’, in which also 入(􀸾).
“To 入 put the 幺 thread in the dye; dyed thread; GREEN color (later on, BLACK, on account of certain Taoist theories)” —Wieger.
“[玄] To 入 put the 幺 thread in the dye; dyed thread; GREEN color (later on, BLACK, on account of certain Taoist theories)” —Wieger.
玄 is the 95th of the 214 radicals.
玄 is the 95th of the 214 radicals.
HDZ: 玄 : xuán : 赤黑色; 深, 厚; 远; 神妙, 深奥; 玄虛 (靠不住, 这话真玄); 奇特; 透彻, 通达; 淑静, 清静; (道家) 学说, 道教; (简称) 太玄经; 天; (农历) 九月; 北方; (简称) 玄孫; 懸; (姓) • xuàn : 泫; 眩; 炫
HDZ: 玄 : xuán : (SW: 黑而有赤色者) 赤黑色; 黑色; (SW: 幽遠) 深, 厚; 远; 神妙, 深奥; 玄虛 (靠不住, 这话真玄); 奇特; 透彻, 通达; 淑静, 清静; (道家) 学说, 道教; (简称) 太玄经; 天; (农历) 九月; 北方; (简称) 玄孫; 懸; (姓) • xuàn : 泫; 眩; 炫
#rG.136.27 W.91a K.AD169,GSR366a D.1.280.3 M.2881 KX..725.01 B.019.0.02 WHY...65 E.1
#rG.136.27 W.91a K.AD169,GSR366a D.1.280.3 M.2881 KX..725.01 B.019.0.02 WHY...65 E.1
#y yuhn\
#y yuhn\

Latest revision as of 20:49, 16 December 2019

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