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<WL>笙 [shēng] (古) (乐器) wind instrument (1 mouthpiece, 13..19 reed-pipes); cf. 竹笙@@; (HDZ:) (乐器名) 簧管乐器, …
<WL>笙 [shēng] (古) (乐器) wind instrument (1 mouthpiece, 13..19 reed-pipes); cf. 竹笙@@; (HDZ:) (乐器名) 簧管乐器, …
From 竹 zhú ‘bamboo’, and 生 shēng (phonosemantic).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 笙(􀳞) shēng ‘1 mouthpiece, 13 reed-pipe wind instrument (reed organ)’ combines 竹 zhú ‘bamboo’ (tubes), and 生(􁃎) shēng (phonosemantic); the reed instrument making the sounds (声音) of the first lunar month, when things (bamboo/reeds) grow (生).
HDZ: 笙 : shēng : (乐器名) 簧管乐器, 用十三至十九根装有簧的竹管和一根吹气管 (“巢”高大, “和”小笙; cf. 龢/龠, 竽)
Compare: 巢(􁃢), 和(􀎇咊􀗪龢), 箹(􀳤), 籁/籟(􀳣).
HDZ: 笙 : shēng : (乐器名) 簧管乐器, 用十三至十九根装有簧的竹管和一根吹气管 (DYC: “巢” 高大, “和” 小笙; cf. 龢/龠, 竽, 箹)
#rK.GSR812h D.5.2955.6 M.5742 G.187.02 KX..879.29 B.197.0.03 E.1
#rK.GSR812h D.5.2955.6 M.5742 G.187.02 KX..879.29 B.197.0.03 E.1
#y saang\
#y saang\

Latest revision as of 05:52, 19 February 2019

笙 [To view this entry, please log in]

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