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<WL>丁 [dīng] 4th 天干 heavenly stem [zhēng] @@[dìng]
<WL>丁 [dīng] (古) peg/nail (钉); top/peak (顶); (天干) 4th Heavenly Stem; fourth; chunk (鸡丁)@@; (HDZ:) … [zhēng] 丁丁; 徵 (征信, 证明)  [dìng] 釘/钉 to nail
Picture of a nail. Now 钉() dīng is used for ‘nail’, with the addition of 钅(金 jīn) ‘metal’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 丁(􂤴𠆤) dīng ‘strong/able/accomplished’ (丁壮成实) seems to be an old pictographic wr. of /釘(􂝅) dīng ‘bamboo/iron peg/nail’ (the peg/nail has a head), as in 成(􂤶) chéng ‘accomplish’ and 顶/頂(􁟼) dǐng ‘top/peak’: in anc. calendrical/astronomical usage 丁 was associated with warm summertime (peak sun), when living things 成 ‘reach’ 顶 ‘peak’ growth and bear fruit; but as with the other 天干地支, the origins are obscure; cf. 甲 (天干).
(3,000 years ago, on oracle bones, the character for 丁 dīng was just a circle or square: the head of a nail seen from above?)
Compare: 钉/釘(􂝅) dīng ‘gold ingot’ (SW), 锭/錠 dìng ‘ingot’, formerly wr. 定 ‘ingot’ (HDZ); 錠子 ‘spindle’.
#rG.188.41,194.35 W.57a K.AD999,GSR833a D.1.2.5 M.6381 KX..75.03 B.001.0.05
Compare: 成(􂤶) chéng ‘accomplish’ (in which 丁 ‘peg/nail’); 顶/頂(􁟼) dǐng ‘top/peak’; 灯/燈 dīng/dēng ‘torch/lamp’; 定(􁎶) dìng ‘fix/decide’.
#y ding\ jang\</WL>
The oldest OBI graphs associated with 丁 dīng are just a circle or square; later forms are sometimes said to be pictographs, depicting a 钉/釘(􂝅) dīng ‘bamboo/iron peg/nail’ (HDZ).
HDZ: 丁 : dīng : (古) 钉 (cf. 釘), 象铁弋形; (天干) 第四位, (太岁) 在丁: 强圉, 月在丁: 圉; (代称) 序数第四的 (丁等, 丁级); 釘: 钉子; (SW: 夏時萬物皆丁實) 壮, 强壮 (XK: 丁壯成實); 称仆役和从事某种劳动的人; 能担任服役的成年人 (壮丁); 人, 人口; (道家) (神名) 六丁 (丁卯、丁巳、丁未、丁酉、丁亥、丁丑); 当, 遭逢; 鱼的枕骨; 小块 (萝卜丁, 肉丁, 鸡丁); 蠆尾, 蝎尾; 疔疮; 叮; (姓) • zhēng : 丁丁: ((象声); 雄健的样子); 徵: 征信, 证明
HDC: 丁壯 : 强壮, 健壮; 少壮的人; 人口, 家口
#rG.188.41,194.35 W.57a K.AD999,GSR833a D.1.2.5 M.6381 KX..75.03 B.001.0.05 WHY...109 E.1
#y ding\ jang\

Latest revision as of 01:47, 9 August 2019

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