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<WL>制 [zhì] (制度) system; (控制) control; (F製) (制造) manufacture@@; (HDZ:) 裁断, 切割; 制作, 制造; …
<WL>制 [zhì] 制度 system; 控制 control; 限制 restrict/confine; 制定 formulate; (F製) make/manufacture, create (制造)@@; (HDZ:) 裁断, 切割; 制作, 制造; …
The left-side component of 制(􀰍𠛐) is a variant of 未(􂥺) wèi ‘tree with many branches’; on the right is (刀 dāo) ‘knife’.
The character 制 (8 strokes), formerly wr. 𠛐 (7 strokes), replaces the old left-side component 未 (wèi) with a shape like ⿱牛巾 (to avoid confusion with 利); later also wr. 製 in some senses (cf. 製).
“To 刀 trim a large tree with many branches” —Karlgren.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 制(􀰍𠛐) zhì ‘plan/cut (wood/cloth/etc.); make (sth./decision); stop/control’ combines 未(􂥺) wèi ‘tree with many branches’, and 刂(刀) dāo ‘knife’; formerly wr. 𠝁(􀰎), with 彡 added in the middle, signifying chopping/cut marks on the tree/wood, as 丰(􀰢丯) in 栔(􀰡); the component 未(􂥺) in 制(􀰍𠛐) is also explained relative to its gloss 味(􀍥) wèi ‘taste/flavor’ (滋味): one must savor/consider the situation/repercussions (branching possibilities) before making a cut/decision (measure twice, cut once); cf. 製(􁛺).
Among full-form characters, a distinction is made between 制(􀰍􀰎𠝁) zhì and 製(􁛺) zhì, although they are etymologically the same word; the form 製 is used when the meaning is ‘manufacture’. Among simple-form characters only 制 occurs.
Note: In full-form texts, cf. 制 zhì ‘system’ (制度), vs. 製(􁛺) zhì ‘make’ (製作); but in simple-form texts only 制 is used (制度, 制作).
HDZ: 制 : zhì : 裁断, 切割; 制作, 制造; 规划, 制订; 禁止, 抑制; 约束, 控制; 决断, 裁决; 法度, 制度; 形制, 式样; 守制; 命令, 法令; 法定尺度; (古邑名); (姓)
“[制] To 刀 trim a large tree with many branches” —Karlgren(AD).
Compare: 利(􀯚􀯛𥝢𥝤) lì ‘reap’; 栔(􀰡) qì ‘notched tally-stick’.
Older graphs associated with 制 are also assoc. with 折 zhé ‘cut/snap/break’, cf. 折.
Compare: 制(􀰍𠛐􀰎𠝁) zhì ← MC /tɕiais/; 折(􀊨􀊦㪿㪿􀊧𣂹) zhé ← MC /tɕiat/; 晢(􁈘) zhé/zhì ← MC /tɕiat/tɕiais/ (SBGY).
HDZ: 制 : zhì : (古) 以刀断木, 从未犹从木也…古文 (𠝁) 从彡, 象斫木纹; (古) 未/枚 (枝幹), (古) (通) 制/折; (SW: 裁) 裁断, 切割 (cf. 製); 制作, 制造; 规划, 制订; (SW: 止) 禁止, 抑制; 约束, 控制; 决断, 裁决; 法度, 制度; 形制, 式样; 守制; 命令, 法令; 法定尺度; (古邑名); (姓)
HDC: 製裁 : 剪裁的式样; 文章的体裁
HDC: 制裁 : 惩处, 管束; 裁制, 构制
HDC: 裁斷 : 经过考虑作出判断或决定; 材料的剪裁和论断; 制止, 禁绝
HDC: 切割 : 用刀割开; 用机床切断或利用火焰、电弧烧断金属材料
#rG.377.20 W.120c K.AD1219,GSR335a D.1.335.1 M.986 KX..139.02 B.081.1.08 E.1
#rG.377.20 W.120c K.AD1219,GSR335a D.1.335.1 M.986 KX..139.02 B.081.1.08 E.1
#y jai-
#y jai-

Latest revision as of 03:51, 9 June 2019

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