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<WL>䜭(=􁾸浚􁾹𣽊􁾺濬)(!􀐃𧮲􀐂􁷒㕣) [jùn] [xùn] 濬/浚  [ruì] 叡/睿 (Unihan:) (same as 濬 浚) to dredge; to dig or wash (a well, etc.), (same as 睿) wise and clever”
<WL>䜭(=􁾸浚􁾹𣽊􁾺濬)(!􀐃𧮲􀐂􁷒㕣) [jùn] 濬/浚  [xùn] cf. 濬/浚  [ruì] 叡/睿 (cf. 思)
The Shuōwén Seal form of 䜭(􁾸) jùn ‘dredge/deepen/clear (waterways)’ combines 歹(􀫢𣦵) cān (𣦼/殘, for 穿 chuān ‘penetrate’), and 谷(􁾱𠔌) gǔ ‘ravine/valley’; formerly also wr. 𣽊(􁾹), (􁾺), later .
Compare: 睿(􀫠􀫟叡􀫡壡) ruì ‘sage/wise’; 汩(􁾊) gǔ ‘maintain (smoothly flowing) waterways’ (cf. 空).
Compare: 容(􁏄) róng ‘contain/capacity/capacious’, confused with 䜭 jùn (or 䜭/睿 ruì) in received SW glosses of 思(􁲀𢙦恖), cf. 思 (DYC).
HDC: 深通 : 精通 (精诚所至, 通达感应; 透彻通晓) (cf. 深通谋略)
HDC: 通川 : 流通的河川
#rD.6.3903.14 KX..1190.04
#rD.6.3903.14 KX..1190.04
#y jeun-
#y jeun-

Latest revision as of 03:42, 9 June 2019

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