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<WL>爿 [qiáng] (古) split wood (劈木而成的木片); (radical 90, 爿部)  [pán] (方言) (片 piàn) strip; 柴爿 firewood@@; (方言) (量词) 块; 家, 座; 边, 段, 截
<WL>爿 [qiáng] (古) split wood; wall (墙/牆); (radical 90, 爿部)  [pán] (方言) (片 piàn) strip; 柴爿 firewood@@; (HDZ:) …; (方言) (量词) 块; 家, 座; 边, 段, 截
爿(􁋊) qiáng is the left half of 木(􀻢) mù ‘tree/wood’, and 片(􁋂) piàn is the right half.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 爿(􁋊) qiáng ‘split wood’ is the left half of 木(􀻢) mù ‘tree/wood’; the right half is 片(􁋂) piàn.
Mnemonic: 爿 qiáng is 片 piàn backwards (as “q” is “p” backwards). 爿 is the 90th of the 214 Kangxi radicals (while 片 is the 91st).
Note: 爿(􁋊) qiáng is the old wr. of 墙/牆(􀺒𤖠) qiáng ‘wall’ (cf. 墙).
爿 is often simplified to 丬 (three strokes) as a component.
As a component 爿 is often simplified to 丬 (three strokes); it is wr. 土 in 墙.
爿 is used in some modern dialects for a word pán meaning a strip of bamboo/wood (cf. 片 piàn); and as a measure word for a strip of land, a store, or a factory.
Mnemonic: 爿 qiáng is 片 piàn backwards (as “q” is “p” backwards).
The reading qiáng is obsolete, since 爿 doesn’t occur in words with that pronunciation (except for the radical name); but 爿 qiáng is phonetic in 戕将状壮妆 etc.
爿 is 90th of the 214 Kangxi radicals (and 片 is the 91st).
Together, 爿 and 片 form a component 𤕰, firewood at the feet of the 鼎(􁋋) dǐng ‘cauldron’. The character 𣶒(􁺊􁺉淵􁺋囦) ‘abyss’ is unrelated.
In some modern dialects pán ‘strip of bamboo/wood’ (cf. 片 piàn); also ‘measure word for a strip of land, a store, or a factory’.
Phonetic: 戕, 将/將, 状/狀, 壮/壯, 妆/妝, 牆, 牀, ….
Compare: 鼎(􁋋) dǐng ‘cauldron’ (in which 爿 and 片 form a component 𤕰, firewood at the feet of the cooking vessel).
Compare: 𣶒(􁺊􁺉淵􁺋囦) yuān ‘abyss’ (similar in shape to 𤕰, but unrelated).
Compare: 疒(􁐹𤕫) nè (as in 疾病); 牀(􀿺) chuáng (床); 冫/仌(􁾻􁾼𣲝) bīng ‘ice’.
HDZ: 爿 : qiáng : (SW: 反片為爿 (讀若 “牆”)) 劈木而成的木片; 殳 • pán : 劈成片的竹木 (竹爿, 木爿); (方言) (量词) 块; 家, 座; 边, 段, 截; (方言) 间
#rW.127b K.AD1062 D.4.2374.1 M.672 KX..691.09 B.011.0.05 WHY...137
#rW.127b K.AD1062 D.4.2374.1 M.672 KX..691.09 B.011.0.05 WHY...137
#y baan/ cheuhng\
#y baan/ cheuhng\

Latest revision as of 02:00, 9 August 2019

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