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<WL>鹏(F鵬) [péng] (传说) 大鹏 fabulous/mythical giant bird (roc)@@  [fèng] cf. 鵬
<WL>鹏(F鵬) [péng] (传说) 大鹏 fabulous/mythical giant bird (roc)@@  [fèng] cf. 鵬
From 朋 péng (‘friend’) phonetic and 鸟(niǎo) ‘bird’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 鹏/鵬(􀨧𪈵) péng/fèng ‘roc/phoenix’ (mythical/auspicious bird) combines (􀨦𢐴) péng/fèng (phonosemantic), and 鸟/鳥 (niǎo) ‘bird’; formerly also wr. 朋(􀨦𢐴), the main SW form is 鳳(􀨥).
It was once believed that depicted the bird’s enormous wings, and that 鸟 was added when was borrowed for the meaning ‘friend’. But recent archeological evidence does not support that theory.
Compare: 凤/鳳(􀨥) fèng; 鹏/鵬(􀨧𪈵) péng/fèng; (􀨦𢐴) péng.
Note: The forms 鹏/鵬, and 朋 are SW variants of 凤/鳳 (mythical/auspicious bird), but usages diverged over the years; there are two traditional readings of the mythical bird name (péng/fèng), but the character 朋 péng ‘friend’ has become specialized in modern usage (cf. 朋).
#rD.7.4641.16 B.284.0.04 E.0
#rD.7.4641.16 B.284.0.04 E.0
#y paahng\
#y paahng\

Latest revision as of 23:38, 14 February 2018

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