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<WL>郡 [jùn] prefecture
<WL>郡 [jùn] prefecture (administrative district)@@; (HDZ:) (古) 地方行政区划, (周) 县大郡小, (秦) 郡大县小; 官, 郡守; 仍, 频仍; (姓)
From 君 jūn (‘prince’) phonetic and 阝(邑 yì) ‘city’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 郡(􁅒𨛦) jùn ‘prefecture’ combines 阝(邑 yì) ‘city-state’, and 君(􀍿) jūn ‘prince’ (phonosemantic); the 县/縣 ‘realm/dominion’ (寰) extending out from the royal capital 1,000 里 is subdivided into four 郡 prefectures.
Note: In old usage 县/縣 was larger than 郡, but later 郡 was larger than 县/縣 (HDZ).
#rK.GSR459g D.6.3775.6 M.1718 G.396.42 KX..1272.07 B.136.1.02 E.1
#rK.GSR459g D.6.3775.6 M.1718 G.396.42 KX..1272.07 B.136.1.02 E.1

Latest revision as of 04:56, 9 June 2019

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