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<WL>蹄 [tí] (马蹄; 蹄子) hoof, foot (of an animal)  [dì] kick (踢)
<WL>蹄 [tí] (马蹄; 蹄子) hoof (of an ox/horse/goat/etc.); 小蹄子 woman with bound feet (蹄子 ‘hussy/wench’)@@; (HDZ:) …; 兔网; (量词); (姓)  [dì] kick
From ⻊(足 zú) ‘foot’ and 帝 dì phonetic.
The character 蹄 tí ‘hoof’ combines ⻊(足 zú) ‘foot’, and 帝(􀀈) (phonetic); formerly wr. 蹢(􀖲𨅙) dí, 蹏(􀖊) tí, and later also 踶 tí; cf. 蹏.
Compare: 踢 tī ‘kick’, formerly wr. 踶(􀖮) (dì), and also 蹄/蹏(􀖊).
Note: There is much old variation in both n./v. forms/readings: 蹄/蹢 tí/dí (n.) ‘foot/hoof’; 踢/踶 tī/dì (v.) ‘kick (with the foot/hoof)’.
HDZ: 蹄 : tí : 牛、马、猪、羊等动物脚趾端的角质物; 兔网, 捕兔的工具; (量词) (单位) 计算兽蹄的单位; (姓) • dì : 踢: 躛, 蹋 (cf. 踶)
#rK.GSR877h D.6.3725.9 M.6244 G.087.61 KX..1230.23 B.388.1.01 E.1
#rK.GSR877h D.6.3725.9 M.6244 G.087.61 KX..1230.23 B.388.1.01 E.1
#y taih\
#y taih\

Latest revision as of 04:54, 9 June 2019

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