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<WL>艰(F艱) [jiān] 艰苦 jiānkǔ arduous, 艰难 jiānnán difficult
<WL>艰(F艱) [jiān] 艰苦 jiānkǔ arduous, 艰难 jiānnán difficult
According to Karlgren(1940),  depicted a person with back-bound hands, in distress. 艮 gèn was added later (perhaps phonetic, though Karlgren says it was 壴 zhù ‘drum’ corrupted).
The simple-form character 艰 (8 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character 艱 (17 strokes), replacing the full-form component 𦰩󰀁 (11 strokes) with 又 (2 strokes).
In the simple form 艰, the left side  is abbreviated to (yòu), the same as in 汉() hàn, 难() nán, and () tàn.
Note: 又 replaces 𦰩 in simple-form characters, as in 汉/漢, 难/難, 叹/嘆.
The full-form character 艱 (17 strokes) is itself an abbrev. of more complex old forms such as 𥌵 (21 strokes), replacing old 𡏳 and 𥃩 with 𦰩󰀁 and 艮.
The Shuōwén Seal form of /艱(􂛅𥌵) jiān ‘hard earth/soil (difficult to work/dig/farm)’ combines 堇(􂛂𡏳𡎸𦰩) qín/jìn ‘clay/soil’ (phonosemantic), and 艮(􁙞𥃩) gèn ‘obdurate/stubborn’ (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 𡆐(􂛆), and also 㨷(􂅻) jìn/jiān ‘difficult’.
Compare: 堇(􂛂𡏳𡎸𦰩) qín/jìn ‘sticky/rich loess/clay/mud/soil/loam’ (墐); 螼(􂔛) qǐn ‘earthworm’ (螼蚓/螾=蚯蚓).
Compare: 艮(􁙞𥃩) gèn ‘(obdurately/stubbornly) refuse/disobey’ (☶䷳).
#rK.AD312,GS480 D.5.3171.1 B.099.1.01 E.0
#rK.AD312,GS480 D.5.3171.1 B.099.1.01 E.0

Latest revision as of 04:43, 9 June 2019

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