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<WL>维(F維) [wéi] 纤维 xiānwéi fiber; 维护 safeguard; 思维 think
<WL>维(F維) [wéi] (cotton/hemp/etc.) fiber (纤维); keep/safeguard (维护); think/consider (思维)@@  [yí] cf. 維
From 纟(糸 sī) ‘thread’ and 隹 zhuī phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 维/維(􂒾) wéi ‘rope/cord (as binding a carriage cover)’ combines 纟(糸 sī) ‘silk/thread’, and 隹(􀦸) zhuī (phonosemantic).
Compare: 维/維 wéi ‘rope/cord; (cotton/hemp/etc.) fiber; outline; bind/link; keep/safeguard; net/network; think/consider’ (HDZ).
Compare: 罗/羅(􁓓𦌴) luó ‘birdnet’.
Compare: 惟(􁲿) wéi ‘ponder, think over generally’; 唯(􀘭) wěi ‘reply respectfully, agree/consent’.
#rD.5.3416.1 B.213.1.07 E.0
#rD.5.3416.1 B.213.1.07 E.0
#y waih\
#y waih\

Latest revision as of 03:29, 11 May 2018

维 [To view this entry, please log in]

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