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<WL>素 [sù] plain, white; vegetarian; 因素 yīnsù factor, element
<WL>素 [sù] plain/simple/basic; 素丝 raw/plain silk; 素白 plain/white; 元素 element, 因素 factor; 素食 vegetarian diet, 吃素 eat vegetarian@@; 语素 morpheme; (HDZ:) …
The bottom is 糸 (sī) ‘silk’. The top 龶 represents mulberry branches, from which wild silkworm cocoons are collected.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 素(􂔋𦃃) sù ‘plain/white/raw silk’ combines 糸 (sī) ‘silk’, and 龶(􁃕𠂹) chuí ‘hang’ (垂) (phonosemantic): raw silk, hung out to dry.
Compare: 垂(􂚼𡍮) chuí ‘hang down, droop’, formerly wr. 𠂹(􁃕􁃖𢏒).
Note: In the modern form 素 the top part suggests 生 shēng ‘green/fresh/raw’ (as in 青), but the old forms were very different, cf. 生(􁃎𤯓), 青(􀷋𤯞).
HDZ: 素 : sù : 本色的生帛; 用作写字的丝绸或纸张; 本色, 白色; 本质, 本性; 带根本性的物质或构成事物的基本成分 (元素, 因素, 色素, 维生素); 质朴, 不加装饰; 清淡无为; 挂名的, 无爵位俸禄的; 不仕, 境遇贫寒; 平素, 旧时; 预先; 志向, 宿愿 (cf. 宿); 旧交; 蔬菜类的食品 (ant. 葷); 牛马的鼻梁; 广博; (副词) (向来, 经常; 空, 白白的); 愫: 真情; 嗉: 禽鸟喉下盛食物的囊; (姓)
#rG.369.17 W.13h K.AD820,GSR68a D.5.3368.3 M.5490 KX..918.11 B.141.0.10 E.1
#rG.369.17 W.13h K.AD820,GSR68a D.5.3368.3 M.5490 KX..918.11 B.141.0.10 E.1
#y sou-
#y sou-

Latest revision as of 01:33, 20 December 2018

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