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<WL>眩 [xuàn] (昏眩 hūnxuàn) dizzy; 眩晕 xuànyùn vertigo@@  [huàn] 幻  [juàn] (HDZ:) 𧗳/衒
<WL>眩 [xuàn] 昏眩 dizzy/giddy; 眩晕 dizziness/vertigo@@; (HDZ:) … [huàn] 幻: 幻术, 变幻 [juàn] 𧗳/衒: 行卖
From 目 (mù) ‘eye’ and 玄 xuán (‘dark’) phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 眩(􀤁) xuàn ‘blurry/dizzy’ combines 目 (mù) ‘eye’ (vision), and 玄(􀫅) xuán ‘deep/dark reddish black’ (phonosemantic); cf. 䀏(􀤺􀤻眴).
“Dim sight, confused; mistaken, deceived” —Karlgren(1923).
Note: For 主 in the SW gloss (目無常主), cf. 𧢦(􁞂) kuī ‘stare at (focus the eyes on)’, in SW glossed with 注 (注目視).
Compare ‘dazzle’, which is often interchangeable with 眩.
Compare: 炫(􁮭) xuàn ‘flicker/flash/dazzle’, also used for 眩.
Compare: 䀏(􀤺) xuàn ‘move/roll (signal fear/dizziness/etc. with) the eyes’, also wr. 眴(􀤻).
“[眩] Dim sight, confused; mistaken, deceived” —Karlgren(1923).
HDZ: 眩 : xuàn : (SW: 目無常主) 眼睛昏花, 视物摇晃不定 (cf. SW: 𧢦: 注目視); 乱, 迷惑; 晕, 晕旋 (cf. 晕眩); : 耀 • huàn : 幻: 幻术, 变幻 • juàn : 𧗳/衒: 行卖
HDC: 眩眩 : 明亮光耀貌 (cf. 炫炫)
HDC: 炫炫 : 光耀貌; 迷乱貌
#rG.136.30,407.03 K.AD169,GSR366d D.4.2482.3 M.2884 KX..805.20 B.151.1.10 E.1
#rG.136.30,407.03 K.AD169,GSR366d D.4.2482.3 M.2884 KX..805.20 B.151.1.10 E.1
#y yuhn-
#y yuhn-

Latest revision as of 07:52, 10 September 2019

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