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<WL>决(F決) [jué] 解决 jiějué resolve; 决定 juédìng decide@@  [xuè] [quē] cf. 決
<WL>决(F決) [jué] 解决 jiějué resolve; 决定 juédìng decide@@  [xuè] [quē] cf. 決
From or 氵 (水 shuǐ) ‘water’ and 夬 guài ‘break through’.
The simple-form character 决 (6 strokes) is an old common variant (俗字) of the full-form character 決 (7 strokes), replacing the full-form component 氵 (3 strokes) with (2 strokes).
“Bifurcation of a river; rupture, break off, cut off, decide; certainly...” —Karlgren.
Note: The abbrev. form 决 (with 冫) was created to specify more abstract usages (决定 ‘resolve/decide’), vs. more concrete water-related usages 決 ‘dredge a canal’ (with 氵), but the two forms 决/決 were later conflated; cf. 冲/沖, 凉/涼 (for other examples of 冫/氵 variation in simple/full forms).
Cognate with 夬 guài (name of the hexagram ䷪).
The full-form character 決 (7 strokes) was formerly wr. 𣲺 (8 strokes), with 叏 (5 strokes) instead of 夬 (4 strokes).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 決(􁻌𣲺) jué ‘cut/dredge/clear a waterway’ combines 氵(水 shuǐ) ‘water’ (river/flow), and 夬(􀠚叏) jué (phonosemantic); having resolutely cut a canal, one must resolve to maintain it, and regularly dredge out accumulated sludge/silt, clear sediment from the waterway so that water can flow freely down into its lower reaches.
Note: The received SW gloss 行流 is emended to 下流 xiàliú ‘(of water, flow down into) lower reaches of a channel/river (cf. 流下)’ (DYC), based on SW citations; the lower reaches tend to accumulate sediment and require regular/persistent dredging, to avoid breaches/flooding.
Compare: 夬 guài ‘resolve/decide/choose’ (䷪), 夬 jué ‘archer's thumbring’, also wr. 決 (SJ); 玦 jué ‘penannular jade ring’, formerly also wr. 夬.
Note: (诗) (車攻) 決拾既佽、弓矢既調 “The bowstring thimbles and armlets were fitted on; The bows and arrows were adjusted to one another; [...]” (Legge)
“[決] Bifurcation of a river; rupture, break off, cut off, decide; certainly...” —Karlgren(AD).
HDZ: 决 : cf. 決 (俗字)
#rK.AD440 D.1.295.12 M.1697 KX..131.29 B.034.0.03 E.0
#rK.AD440 D.1.295.12 M.1697 KX..131.29 B.034.0.03 E.0
#y kyut-
#y kyut-

Latest revision as of 03:51, 9 June 2019

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