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<WL>仔 [zǐ] 仔细 zǐxì careful  [zǎi] young animal [zī] 仔肩
<WL>仔 [zǐ] young (child/animal); 仔细 careful/attentive [zǎi] young/child, boy/person [zī] (书) 仔肩 (bear) burden/responsibility@@; (HDZ:) …  [zhǐ] 只
From 亻(人 rén) ‘person’ and 子 zǐ ‘child’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 仔(􁗸) zī ‘(bear) responsibility/burden’ (仔肩) combines 亻(人 rén) ‘person’, and 子(􂥍) zǐ ‘child’ (phonosemantic); responsibly carry (be responsible for) a young child (which one has borne).
Note: Formerly 仔 zī ‘(bear) burden’ (SW), but today mainly 仔 zǎi/zǐ, used for 子 (nom. suf.) in some dialects; cf. 崽 zǎi.
HDZ: 仔 : zī : (SW: 克) “仔肩”, 担任 (DYC: 勝, 任) • zǐ : 幼小的; 子 (植物的种子 (菜子, 麦子); 滋生); 只 (zhǐ) • zǎi : (方言): 小孩 (男仔和女仔; 儿子, 有仔有女) (cf. 崽); (鄙称) 小子; (矮仔, 肥仔, 渡仔, 单车仔); (手巾仔, 斗笠仔, 凳仔, 牛仔); 了
HDC: 仔肩 : 所担负的任务, 责任; 担负, 承担
#rG.063.23,254.02 K.AD1089,GSR964k D.1.115.5 M.6940 KX..92.06 B.017.0.06 E.1
#rG.063.23,254.02 K.AD1089,GSR964k D.1.115.5 M.6940 KX..92.06 B.017.0.06 E.1

Latest revision as of 07:48, 10 September 2019

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