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<WL>宗 [zōng] ancestor; clan; faction; 宗教 religion; 祖宗 ancestry
<WL>宗 [zōng] ancestor, ancestry (祖宗); clan; faction; 宗教 religion@@; (HDZ:) 祖庙, …
From 宀 (mián) ‘roof’ and 示 (shì) ‘altar’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 宗(􁏱) zōng ‘revered ancestral shrine/temple’ combines 宀(􁎝) mián ‘roof/dwelling’, and 示(􀀐) shì ‘heavens/rites’: the forebears/ancestors dwell within the heavenly temple (where their traditions are revered/studied/worshipped).
“Ancestral temple... the 宀 house for 示 religious rites” —Karlgren.
Note: The component 示 in 宗 is as in 神(􀀢𥛃) shén ‘spirit/god’, and 祖(􀀱) zǔ ‘ancestor’ (祖宗, 祖庙); the component 宀 ‘roof’ in 宗 indicates that the shrine/temple tablets are protected from the elements in the 屋 rooms within; cf. 宔(􁏲).
#rG.033.42 K.AD1114,GSR1003a D.2.917.11 L.274 M.6896 KX..283.14 B.094.0.10 WHY...188
“[宗] Ancestral temple... the 宀 house for 示 religious rites” —Karlgren(AD).
Compare: 宗(􁏱) zōng ← MC /tsuoŋ/; 综/綜(􂐉) zèng/zòng ‘heddle (of a loom)’ ← MC /tsuoŋs/; 宋(􁏯) sòng ‘dwelling’ ← MC /suoŋs/ (SBGY).
HDZ: 宗 : zōng : 祖庙, 祭祀祖先的地方; 祖先, 祖宗 (列祖列宗); 同一祖先的家族; 宗子, 嫡长子; 神庙, 祭社稷之神的地方; 尊祭之神; (祭名); (官名) (主祭祀的官; (古) 乡里之内的官; (秦) (官名)); 帝王的庙号; 诸侯夏天朝见天子之礼; 根本, 主旨; (佛教) 派别, 由同一本源所分出的流派; 归往, 归向; 尊崇, 取法; 所尊崇的人或事物; 生物分类学名称, 同一物种内形态特征较不稳定的群体 (地理宗; 生态宗; 遗传宗); (量词); (星名) (宗二星, 在候东, 主宗室); (藏语) 县; 衆/眾 (zhòng): 众多; 緵; (春秋) (诸侯国名); (姓)
#rG.033.42 K.AD1114,GSR1003a D.2.917.11 L.274 M.6896 KX..283.14 B.094.0.10 WHY...188 E.1
#y jung\
#y jung\

Latest revision as of 04:03, 9 June 2019

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