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<WL>孝 [xiào] filial piety
<WL>孝 [xiào] 孝顺 filial piety (care/respect for parents/elders); continue a tradition; 带孝 mourn@@; (HDZ:) 祭, 祭祀; …
From 耂(老 lǎo) ‘elder’ and 子 (zǐ) ‘child’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 孝(􁜎) xiào ‘filial piety’ combines (􁜅) lǎo ‘elder’ (abbrev.), and 子 (zǐ) ‘child’; the child (below) inherits (continuing tradition) from the parents (above), and sustains his elders in their old age (子承老).
Note: In the character 孝 (7 strokes) the upper component 老 (6 strokes) is abbrev. to its top part 耂 (4 strokes), which is 毛 (white hair) over 人 (elderly person, cf. 包); the arrangement of components ⿱耂子 depicts the child (below) sustaining the protective parent (above).
Compare: 考(􁜍) kǎo ‘longevity’ (壽考); 寿/壽(􁜌𦓆) shòu ‘longevity’; 长/長(􁧌𨱗􁧍仧􁧎𨱘) zhǎng ‘elder/chief’.
Compare: 教(􀣞敎􀣟𧧿􀣠𤕝) jiāo/jiào ‘teach/educate’; 𡥈(􂥞𡥉) jiào ‘imitate, follow an example’.
HDZ: 孝 : xiào : 祭, 祭祀; (SW: 善事父母者) 孝顺; 能继先人之志; 居丧; 居丧的人; 丧服; 效法; 畜养, 保育; (姓)
HDC: 孝顺 : (原) 爱敬天下之人、顺天下人之心的美好德行, (后) 尽心奉养父母, 顺从父母的意志; 以财物贿赂官吏或尊长等; 用其他方式讨好人家; 贿赂官吏或尊长的财物; 献给皇帝的贡物
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#rK.GSR1168a D.2.1011.4 M.2601 G.415.28 KX..278.11 B.041.1.04 WHY...29
#y haau-
#y haau-

Latest revision as of 04:02, 9 June 2019

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