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<WL>吉 [jí] lucky, auspicious
<WL>吉 [jí] lucky, auspicious, propitious (吉祥); 吉兆 good omen, auspicious sign; 吉利 good luck; 吉凶 luck (good or bad)@@; (HDZ:) …
The top is 士 shì ‘scholar’ (not 土 tǔ ‘earth’). The bottom is 口 kǒu ‘mouth’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 吉(􀎧) jí ‘good/auspicious’ (善: 吉祥) combines 士(􀃶) shì ‘man/scholar’, and 口(􀌼𠙵) kǒu ‘mouth/word’: when a man stands by (is as good as) his word, his word is his bond (结), he speaks truth/wisdom and has good fortune; 士 here is as in 壮(􀃹壯) zhuàng ‘robust/healthy/magnificent’ (壮丽), and 口 is as in 言 yán ‘direct speech’ at the bottom of 善(􀜸𧨅􀜷譱) shàn ‘good’.
“口 speech of a 士 sage, bringing luck; good, auspicious, happy” —Wieger.
Note: The top is 士(􀃶) shì ‘scholar’, not 土(􂘢) tǔ ‘earth’.
“An 士 affair ...which may be 口 spoken of, not taboo” —Karlgren(1923). (In keeping with 《说文》, Karlgren interprets 士 shì as cognate with 事 shì ‘affair’.)
“[吉] 口 speech of a 士 sage, bringing luck; good, auspicious, happy” —Wieger.
The top had various shapes in the oldest forms, of uncertain interpretation.
“[吉] An 士 affair ... which may be 口 spoken of, not taboo” —Karlgren(1923). [ As in SW, Karlgren assoc. 士 shì and 事 shì ‘affair’. ]
#rG.469.09 W.24c H.1142 K.AD325,GSR393a D.1.576.6 M.476 KX..175.02 B.022.1.06 WHY...6
Compare: 结/結(􂐷) jié ‘tie up (secure); conclude (a treaty)’, be as good as (bound by) one's word; 髮髻 fàjì ‘hair bun/coil’.
Compare: 喜(􀵇) xǐ ‘happiness’, 禧(􀀕) xǐ ‘blessing/luck/happiness’; 嚞(􀍾𨑂𡕇􀍼哲􀍽悊) zhé ‘wisdom’ (浚哲).
Compare: 桔/橘(􀻣) jú ‘tangerine/orange fruit/tree’, sometimes also wr. 吉 (HDZ).
HDZ: 吉 : jí : 善, 吉祥; (农历) 阴历每月初一 (初吉); (古) 祭祀鬼神的礼仪, (五礼) (吉, 凶, 宾, 军; 嘉); 行; (果树名) 桔: 橘树, 橘子; (古州名); (简称) 吉林省; (姓); (姓) 姞
#rG.469.09 W.24c H.1142 K.AD325,GSR393a D.1.576.6 M.476 KX..175.02 B.022.1.06 WHY...6 E.1
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Latest revision as of 05:32, 19 February 2019

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