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<WL>旗 [qí] (旗子) flag; 国旗 national flag
<WL>旗 [qí] flag/banner (旗子, 旗帜), 国旗 national flag, 旌旗 banners/flags@@; (HDZ:) (总称) 旗帜, (古) 上面有熊虎图像的一种军旗; …; (姓)
From  (yǎn) ‘flag’ and 其 qí phonetic.  originally depicted a flag waving from a flag-pole. The resemblance of the left side to 方 fāng seems to be coincidental.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 旗(􁉢) qí ‘bear and tiger military standard/flag/banner’ combines 㫃(􁉠􁉡𣃗) yǎn ‘flag/banner (flying on flagpole)’, and 其(􀳽𠔝) (phonosemantic).
#rG.060.04 K.AD338,GSR952v D.3.2183.13 M.535 KX..484.28 B.334.0.02
Note: SW explains the meaning of the component 其 here in terms of 期, and the constellations named 旗 (左旗, 右旗, Sagitta/Aquila; not 箕宿 18-20H RA).
Compare: 其(􀳽𠔝) jī ‘winnowing basket’ (winnow, cast to the wind).
Compare: 期(􁊏􁊐𣅆) qī ‘agree to meet (at a certain/later time/place)’.
Compare: 稘(􁌸) jī ‘recurrent/annual/seasonal cycle/period’
Note: (􁝏) is not a trad. component of 旗, cf. 㫃.
HDZ: 旗 : qí : (SW: 熊旗五游, 以象罰星, 士卒以為期; DYC: 五/六) (总称) 旗帜, (古) 上面有熊虎图像的一种军旗; 标识; (星名) 左右两旗各九星 (cf. 左旗, 右旗); 号令; (简称) 旗枪茶: 绿茶; (清) 军队或户口编制之一; (满族) 属于满族八旗的 (旗人, 旗袍, 旗装); (内蒙古) (单位) 行政区域; 箕 (jī); (姓)
#rG.060.04 K.AD338,GSR952v D.3.2183.13 M.535 KX..484.28 B.334.0.02 E.1
#y keih\
#y keih\

Latest revision as of 20:48, 16 December 2019

旗 [To view this entry, please log in]

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