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<WL>及 [jí] and; 以及 yǐjí as well as; 及时 jíshí promptly
<WL>及 [jí] and; 以及 yǐjí as well as; 及时 jíshí promptly@@; (HDZ:) …
Made of 人 and 又(): hand grabbing a person. Etymologically the same word as 急 jí ‘urgent’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 及(􀠠) jí ‘catch (up to); reach’ (逮) combines 又(􀠋) yòu ‘hand’ and 人(􁕎) ‘person’: the hand (of fate) catches up to (and grabs) a person; formerly also wr. 𨕤(􀠣), 乁(􀠡), 𢎜(􀠢).
“Overtake, reach to, attain; together with, and; (attaining:) when” —Karlgren.
Compare: 汲(􁽧) jí ‘draw water’; (􁳳㤂) jí ‘urgent’; 极/極(􀿄) jí ‘ridgepole’ (太极 ‘fate’ ☯); 今(􀸵), 𠄗(􀎩), 凡(􂘡).
#rG.532.26 W.19d K.AD322,GSR681a D.1.35.1 M.468 KX..165.03 B.003.1.08
Compare: 夃(􀻛) gǔ ‘profit’, 盈(􀶤) yíng ‘full vessel’; 㠷(􁔩) gé ‘woven rush/mat rice basket/bag’.
“[及] Overtake, reach to, attain; together with, and; (attaining:) when” —Karlgren(AD).
Compare: 丮(􀟸𠃨) jǐ ‘hold in/with the (clenched/right) fist/hand’, in which 乁(􀠡􀠢𢎜) jí (hand clenched into a fist).
HDZ: 及 : jí : (SW: 逮) 追上; 至, 到达 (波及, 由此及彼, 力所能及); 连累, 关连 (城门失火, 殃及池鱼); 如, 比得上; 兼顾; 干预; 继, 接续; (副词) (岂; 又; 极); (介词) (乘 chèng: 趁着 (及早, 及时); 直到, 等到; 与, 同); (连词) (与, 和; 至于; 假设关系); (姓)
#rG.532.26 W.19d K.AD322,GSR681a D.1.35.1 M.468 KX..165.03 B.003.1.08 WHY...164 E.1
#y kahp-
#y kahp-

Latest revision as of 03:54, 9 June 2019

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