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<WL>芥 [jiè] 芥菜 various mustard plants@{ (十字花科)}; 芥子园画谱@{; 小草; 芥蒂, 梗塞} [gài] 芥/盖菜 mustard green; 芥蓝 kale
<WL>芥 [jiè] various mustard plants (芥菜); 芥子 mustard seeds; 芥子园画谱  [gài] 芥/盖菜 mustard green; 芥蓝 kale
From 艹(草 cǎo) ‘grass’ and 介 jiè phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 芥(􀊬) jiè ‘mustard’ combines 艹(草 cǎo) ‘grass’, and 介(􀋵) jiè (phonetic); cf. 丯.
#rK.GSR327j D.5.3182.6 M.634 G.385.15 KX..1019.31 B.044.0.01
Note: Formerly also wr. 介 (HDZ).
HDZ: 芥 : jiè : 芥菜 (cf. 介), 十字花科 (芥子园画谱); 小草; 芥蒂, 梗塞 • gài : 芥/盖菜, 芥菜的变种
#rK.GSR327j D.5.3182.6 M.634 G.385.15 KX..1019.31 B.044.0.01 E.1
#y gaai-
#y gaai-

Latest revision as of 23:24, 14 February 2018

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