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<WL>甘 [gān] sweet; 甘蔗 gānzhe sugarcane; 甘肃 Gānsù@@  [hān] 酣
<WL>甘 [gān] sweet; luscious/delicious (甘甜); 甘蔗 sugarcane, 甘草 licorice, 甘薯 sweet potato; 甘肃 Gānsù province; (radical 99, 甘部)@@; (HDZ:) … [hān] 酣
Picture of mouth with something in it.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 甘(􀴙𤮺) gān ‘sweet; luscious/delicious’ combines 口(􀌼𠙵) kǒu ‘mouth’, with a line 一 inside representing something delicious/sweet being savored.
Compare: 甜(􀴚甛) tián ‘sweet’ (甘甜); 尝/嘗(􀴢) cháng ‘taste’, in which 旨(􀴠𠤔).
Compare: 嗜(􀎶) shì ‘hobby/preference/habit’ (formerly also wr. 耆); 酣(􂦩) hān ‘drink liquor (to excess)’ (formerly also wr. 甘).
Compare: 柑 gān ‘mandarin orange’, formerly wr. 甘 (HDZ); 梅 méi ‘plum’, formerly wr. 某(􀽻􀽼槑).
Note: The opposite of 甘 gān ‘sweet’ (甘甜) is 苦 kǔ ‘bitter’ (GFC).
Compare: 丹(􀷆𠂁) dān ‘cinnabar/red’ (color), formerly wr. 𠁿(􀷇); cf. 绀/紺(􂑭), 黚(􁯜).
甘 is the 99th of the 214 radicals.
甘 is the 99th of the 214 radicals.
#rG.223.39 W.73b K.AD298,GSR606a D.4.2413.1 L.34 M.3223 KX..753.19 B.012.1.07
HDZ: 甘 : gān : 美味; 甜, 五味之一 (酸、甜、苦、辣、咸); 觉得甜, 觉得好吃; 美味的食物; 嗜; 美好; 情愿, 乐意; 宽松; 美言, (言语) 动听; (果名) 柑; (古地名); (古州名); (水名); (简称) 甘肃省; (姓) • hān : 酣
#rG.223.39 W.73b K.AD298,GSR606a D.4.2413.1 L.34 M.3223 KX..753.19 B.012.1.07 WHY...13 E.1
#y gam\
#y gam\

Latest revision as of 05:49, 19 February 2019

甘 [To view this entry, please log in]

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