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<WL>肩 [jiān] (肩膀 jiānbǎng) shoulder; (肩负 jiānfù) take on@@  [xián] (集韻) 瘦小的样子; 直貌
<WL>肩 [jiān] shoulder (肩膀, 肩头); bear/carry (肩负); 并肩 side-by-side@@; (HDZ:) … [xián] (集韻) 瘦小的样子; 直貌
The bottom is 月(肉 ròu) ‘flesh’. 户 represents the shoulder muscles and the arm hanging down. It is only by accident that in the modern character it looks like hù ‘door’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 肩(􀭍𢩌) jiān ‘shoulder’ combines 户/戶(􂂧) hù ‘door’, and 月(肉 ròu) ‘flesh’; the shoulder joint pivots like a door on a hinge; formerly wr. 𦙪(􀭌𦚑), in which the outer /戶 door-like component is said to be a pictograph depicting the human shoulder (including the clavicle, scapula, and humerus).
#rG.133.25 W.65f K.AD371,GSR240a D.3.2052.8 M.824 KX..975.10 B.095.1.03
Note: In the old forms of the character 肩, the 丶 dot of seems to corresp. to the clavicle, with 尸 for the scapula (日 in ) and humerus (丿).
Note: 锁骨 ‘collarbone/clavicle’, 肩胛骨 ‘scapula (shoulder blade)’, 肩关节 ‘shoulder/glenohumeral joint’, 肱骨头 ‘humeral head’, 肱骨 ‘humerus’.
Compare: 掮 qián ‘to shoulder/carry’.
Compare: 臂(􀭐𦡜) bì/bei ‘arm’ (from shoulder to wrist); 肘(􀭒) zhǒu ‘elbow’ (in which 肉 ‘bicep’); 腕(􂄡𢯲掔) wàn ‘wrist’; 手(􂄛) shǒu ‘hand’.
HDZ: 肩 : jiān : 人的颈下与两臂相连部分 (肩头; 并肩前进); 四足动物前腿的根部 (䐁肩, 羊肩); 担, 担负 (身肩重任) (cf. 掮); 任用; 胜任; 等级; 三四岁的兽类; (量词); (姓) • xián : (集韻) 瘦小的样子; 直貌
#rG.133.25 W.65f K.AD371,GSR240a D.3.2052.8 M.824 KX..975.10 B.095.1.03 E.1
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Latest revision as of 00:02, 4 September 2018

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