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<WL>駔(S驵) (=􁪈) [zǎng] [zù] [zǔ]
<WL>駔(S驵) [zǎng] 駔儈 (horse) trader/broker; 駔子 rascal/ruffian/mean@@; (HDZ:) 壮马, 骏马 …; 𪓐, 盛饰  [zù] 骏马  [zǔ] 組; 阻; 怚
HDZ: 駔 : zǎng : 繁駔=煩且: 牡/壮马, 骏马; 马匹交易的经纪人; 市侩 (cf. 驵侩); 大, 粗; 平庸; 驱; 𪓐 (chǔ): 盛饰 (装扮华丽; 服饰端庄) • zù : 骏马 • zǔ : 組: 丝带; 阻: 止; 怚 (jù): 骄
#rK.GSR46m' D.7.4546.10 M.6701 G.266.24,314.03 KX..1436.07
#rK.GSR46m' D.7.4546.10 M.6701 G.266.24,314.03 KX..1436.07
#y jong/</WL>
#y jong/

Latest revision as of 23:36, 14 February 2018

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