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<WL>颁(F頒) [bān] 颁发 bānfā promulgate, issue @@[fén]
<WL>颁(F頒) [bān] 颁发 bānfā promulgate, issue@@ [fén] cf. 頒
From 分 fēn phonetic and (頁 yè) ‘head’.
The simple-form character 颁 (10 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character 頒 (13 strokes), replacing the full-form component 頁 (9 strokes) with its simple form 页 (6 strokes).
The full-form character 頒 bān ‘promulgate’ is an old form (with different usage, see below), formerly also wr. 班 bān ‘promulgate’ (颁布).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 颁/頒(􁠖) fén ‘large-headed (influential)’ combines 页/頁 (xié) ‘head’, and (􀋯) fēn ‘part/portion’ (phonosemantic); formerly also wr. 攽(􀢟) in some senses, cf. 攽 bān.
Note: (诗) (魚藻) 魚在在藻、有頒其首 “The fishes are there, there among the pondweed, Showing their large heads.” (Legge)
Note: (诗) (魚藻) 王在在鎬、豈樂飲酒 “The king is here, here in Hao, At ease and happy, while he drinks.” (Legge)
Note: (诗) (魚藻) 魚在在藻、有莘其尾 “The fishes are there, there among the pondweed, Showing their long tails.” (Legge)
Note: (诗) (魚藻) 王在在鎬、飲酒樂豈 “The king is here, here in Hao, Drinking, happy and at ease.” (Legge)
Compare: 衯(􁛄) fēn ‘long/flowing clothes/robes’; 帉(􁓮𢁥) fēn ‘large rag (for wiping)’, also wr. 紛.
Compare: 寡(􁏜) guǎ ‘few’, in which 𪟊/頒; 贫/貧(􁅅) pín ‘poor/impoverished’.
Compare: 颁/頒 bān, syn. 鬢 bìn ‘hair on the temples; sideburns’.
Compare: 班 bān ‘promulgate’, also wr. 颁/頒 bān (颁布 bānbù ‘promulgate; issue; publish’).
#rK.AD29 D.7.4362.2 B.162.0.10
#rK.AD29 D.7.4362.2 B.162.0.10
#y baan\
#y baan\

Latest revision as of 01:46, 20 December 2018

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