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<WL>闇 [àn] (=) [ān] (=) [ǎn] [yīn] [yǐn] [yǎn]
<WL>闇(S𬮴) [àn] 闭门; 蒙蔽, 遮盖; 掩沒; …; ; 黯  [ǎn] 奄: 忽然 [ān] 亮/諒闇/陰; 諳  [yīn] 瘖  [yǐn] 大水至  [yǎn] (HDC:) 闇忽, 闇然
From 門 and 音.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 𬮴/闇(􂃟) àn ‘to close a door (darkening a room)’ combines 门/(􂂲𨳇) mén ‘double doors’, and 音(􀜻) yīn (phonosemantic).
#rK.GSR653i D.7.4309.7 M.38 G.442.03 KX..1338.22
Compare: 暗(􁈶) àn ‘dark (insufficient sunlight)’; 窨(􁏼) yìn ‘basement/cellar’.
HDZ: 闇 : àn : 闭门; 蒙蔽, 遮盖; 掩沒; 幽隐的地方; 愚昧, 糊涂; 不通晓, 不了解; 暗: (日无光; 黄昏或夜间); 黯: (深, 深黑) • ǎn : 奄: 忽然 • ān : 亮/諒闇/陰: 居父母之丧, (特) 帝王居丧; 諳: 熟悉 • yīn : 瘖: 缄默不语 • yǐn : 大水至
#y am-</WL>
#rK.GSR653i D.7.4309.7 M.38 G.442.03 KX..1338.22 E.1
#y am-

Latest revision as of 06:04, 19 February 2019

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