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<WL>酱(F醬) [jiàng] sauce, paste, jam; 酱油 soy sauce; 花生酱 peanut butter
<WL>酱(F醬) [jiàng] paste/sauce; 豆酱 bean paste, 酱油 soy sauce; 花生酱 peanut butter; 果酱 jam
From (将將) jiāng phonetic over 酉 (yǒu) ‘wine’.
The simple-form character 酱 (13 strokes) is an abbrev. of the full-form character 醬 (18 strokes), replacing the full-form component 將 (11 strokes) with part of its simple form 将 (1st 6 strokes).
Note: In the simple form 酱 the component 将 omits 寸 (3 strokes), giving the shape (⿰丬夕) above (as in the top of 浆).
The full-form character 醬 (18 strokes) does not abbrev. the upper component 將 (11 strokes); but 將 is not a traditional component of old forms of 醬(􂦿𤖕).
The Shuōwén Seal form of 酱/醬(􂦿𤖕) jiàng ‘fermented/pickled mincemeat/paste’ (肉酱) combines (􀬪𠕎肉) ròu ‘meat’, with 酉(􂦁) yǒu ‘liquor/wine/fermentation vessel’, and 爿(􁋊) qiáng (phonosemantic); formerly also wr. 𨟻(􂧀), and 𤖙(􂧁), omitting 肉.
Note: The component 爿(􁋊) is an old wr. of 牆(􀺒𤖠) qiáng ‘wall’, as in 戕(􂍝) qiāng ‘kill/harm’, and as in 臧(􀡚) zāng ‘war captive/slave’, 藏 cáng ‘save/store’ (store/ferment); cf. 將 zāng (臧).
Compare: 浆/漿(􁽋𤖅) jiāng ‘sour fermented drink’, later 浆/漿 jiāng ‘syrup/paste’.
Note: 将/將(􀡽) jiàng ‘commander/general’ itself combines 寸(􀡻) cùn ‘measure’, and 酱/𤖕(􂦿) jiàng ‘meat paste’ (abbrev. phonetic); in 將, the component ‘liquor’ of 𤖕 is replaced by 寸 ‘measure’; 将/將 is the component in 浆/漿(􁽋𤖅).
Compare: 醢(􂧂) hǎi ‘preserved/pickled mincemeat’ (醢酱, 醯醢, 肉酱).
Compare: 墙/牆(􀺒𤖠) qiáng ‘wall’ (which also has 爿 as phonetic in the old forms, but in fact 爿 is said to be the old writing of 牆).
#rK.AD1061 D.6.3582.2 B.287.1.03
#rK.AD1061 D.6.3582.2 B.287.1.03
#y jeung-</WL>
#y jeung-

Latest revision as of 06:02, 19 February 2019

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