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<WL>豊(=􀵧𧯽􀀓禮S礼􀀔𠃞) [lǐ] (‘sacrificial vessel’; component: 禮體澧醴鳢) @@[fēng]
<WL>豊(=􀵧𧯽􀀓禮S礼􀀔𠃞) [lǐ] (古) 禮: 祭祀用的礼器 sacrificial vessel; (component: 禮體澧醴鳢…)@@ [fēng] (俗字) 豐
“Sacrificial vessel — picture of a vase with flowers” —Karlgren.
The character 豊(􀵧𧯽) lǐ ‘ritual/sacrificial vessel’ is said to combine 豆(􀵠) dòu ‘covered ritual/food vessel’, with a shape above combining 凵(􀶫𠙴􀶬𥬔) qū ‘bamboo basket (for rice)’ and a component like 甡(􁃓􁃏𡴀丰) fēng ‘abundant/lush plant/grain growth’, which in old graphs looks much like the top of 丰/豐(􀵩􀵪𣍈) fēng ‘abundance’.
Cognate, or perhaps etymologically identical to 礼() lǐ ‘ceremony’ and 醴 ‘sweet wine’.
Compare: 醴(􂦍) lǐ ‘sweet liquor/wine’; 醴 ‘sweet/fresh springwater’, formerly also wr. 澧; 礼/禮(􀀓𥜨) lǐ ‘rite/ceremony/offering/gift’.
Note: The difference between 豐(􀵩) fēng ‘abundance’, and 豊(􀵧) lǐ ‘ritual’ in the Seal forms is that 豐(􀵩) fēng has 山(􁣾) shān ‘mountain’, where 豊(􀵧) lǐ has 凵(􀶫𠙴􀶬𥬔) qū ‘bamboo basket for washing rice’; both forms include a shape like 甡(􁃓􁃏𡴀丰) fēng ‘abundant/lush plant/grain growth’; in 豐 fēng the grain is growing in the fertile mountain valleys, and in 豊 lǐ ‘ritual’ the grain is heaped in a basket/vessel (harvested, ready to make ritual/sacrificial offering); the characters 𧯽 and 豐 are difficult to distinguish in old texts, since they differ only in the vertical stroke in the middle of 豐.
“[豊] Sacrificial vessel — picture of a vase with flowers” —Karlgren.
Note: As a component in /禮(􀀓𥜨) lǐ ‘ceremony’, the simple form 礼(􀀔𠃞) replaces the full-form component 豊 with a single stroke 乚; cf. 礼.
HDZ: 豊 : : (古) 禮: 祭祀用的礼器 • fēng : (俗字) 豐
#rG.268.24 K.AD538 D.6.3566.14 M.3884 KX..1192.07
#rG.268.24 K.AD538 D.6.3566.14 M.3884 KX..1192.07
#y laih/</WL>
#y laih/

Latest revision as of 01:40, 20 December 2018

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