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<WL>詘(S诎) [qū] to contract; wrinkle; stutter, stammer  @@[chù]
<WL>詘(S诎) [qū] stammer/stutter; winding/tortuous, crooked/bent; surrender; disgrace/wrong; end/limit; insufficient@@; (HDZ:) 语言钝诎; 屈: 弯曲; …  [chù] 黜: 贬黜, 贬退
HDZ: 詘 : qū : 语言钝诎; 屈: 弯曲; 屈服; 屈辱, 冤屈; 尽, 穷尽; 短缩 (cf. 絀), 缺少; 声音戞/嘎然止绝貌; (副词) 反, 反而; (姓) • chù : 黜: 贬黜, 贬退
HDC: 詰詘 : 屈曲 (弯曲, 曲折; 事物的原委本末; 委曲, 曲意迁就), 屈折; 滞塞, 艰涩
HDC: 詰詘聱牙 : 詰曲聱牙 (文句艰涩, 不通顺畅达)
HDC: 佶屈聱牙 : 文句艰涩, 不通顺畅达
#y wat\
#y wat\
#rK.GSR496l D.6.3958.6 M.1622 G.476.13 KX..1155.13</WL>
#rK.GSR496l D.6.3958.6 M.1622 G.476.13 KX..1155.13

Latest revision as of 21:23, 17 February 2018

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