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<WL>襢(=􁉫旃𣃼𣃯㫋􁉬旜􁚅􁛢) (!栴𣑪𣒰㮵展) [zhàn] [tǎn] [tán] [zhǎn] [chán] [zhān] (Unihan:) “strip; lay bare; bared; naked”
<WL>襢(=􁛢袒􀭧膻􁉫旃􁉬旜􁚅𧝑) [tǎn] 袒: 裸露 (cf. 膻) [zhàn] 素雅, 无文彩  [chán] “𧘑襢”, cf. 𧘑  [zhān] 旃@@  [tán] [zhǎn] ?
#rD.5.3118.9 M.6058 G.284.19,291.03,410.10 KX..1126.01
Note: (诗) (大叔于田) 襢裼暴虎、獻于公所 “And with bared arms he seizes a tiger, And presents it before the duke.” (Legge)
#rD.5.3118.9 M.6058 G.284.19,291.03,410.10 KX..1126.01 E.1
#y taan/</WL>
#y taan/

Latest revision as of 01:39, 20 December 2018

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