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<WL>藏 [cáng] store; conceal, hide  [zàng] (西藏 Xīzàng) Tibet; 内脏(); 佛教经典; 宝藏 @@[zāng] (草名); 窝主; 臧 () [záng] ???
<WL>藏 [cáng] 贮藏 save/store; 隐藏 conceal/hide  [zàng] 库藏 storehouse; (西藏 Xīzàng) Tibet@@; (HDZ:) ; 内脏/臟; (佛教) 经典 [zāng] (草名); 窝主; 臧: 善  [záng] (HDC:) 廩藏
From 艹(草 cǎo) ‘grass’ and 臧 zāng phonetic.
The character 藏 cáng ‘save/store’ combines 艹(草 cǎo) ‘grass/herbs’, and 臧(􀡚) zāng (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 臧.
#rG.183.36,427.32 K.AD1034,GSR727g' D.5.3311.11 M.6718 KX..1064.22 B.406.1.05
Compare: 酱/醬(􂦿𤖕) jiàng ‘fermented/pickled mincemeat/paste’, 浆/漿(􁽋𤖅) jiāng ‘sour fermented drink’; in which 爿, as in 臧/藏.
Compare: 藏 cáng (v.) ‘store/save’; 藏 zàng (n.) ‘store/storehouse/warehouse’.
#y chohng\ johng-</WL>
Compare: 葬(􀋪𦸟) zàng ‘bury (a corpse)’; 脏/髒 zāng ‘dirty’; 脏/臟 zàng ‘entrails’.
HDZ: 藏 : cáng : 收存, 储藏; 隐匿; 怀, 蓄; 守; 深; (姓) • zàng : 储存东西的地方 (宝藏; cf. 库藏, 藏府); 埋葬 (cf. 葬); 内脏/臟; (佛教) 经典的总集, (后) (道教) 经典 (南藏, 北藏, 道藏); (族名) (西藏) • zāng : (草名); 窝主; 臧: 善
#rG.183.36,427.32 K.AD1034,GSR727g' D.5.3311.11 M.6718 KX..1064.22 B.406.1.05 E.1
#y chohng\ johng-

Latest revision as of 00:34, 20 June 2018

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