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<WL>累 [lèi] tired; work hard  [lěi] 积累 accumulate [léi] (F纍)  @@[lǜ] [liè] [luǒ]
<WL>累 [lèi] tired/weary; toil, work hard@{; (F纍) (HDC)} [lěi] accumulate (积累); implicate@{; (F纍) (HDC) [léi] (F纍) [lǜ] (古匈奴官名)  [liè] (地名) 肥累  [luǒ] 裸; (HDZ:) …}
From 田 (tián) ‘field’ and 糸 (sī) ‘thread’.
The character 累 is an old abbrev. of the full form 纍, substituting for the old 畾 component (itself an abbrev. of 靁).
Originally 纍, from 畾 léi phonetic over 糸 ‘thread’. Long ago the simple form 累, with a single 田, came into use for the pronunciation lèi, being preserved for the pronunciation léi. Among modern simple form characters only is used for all pronunciations. léi also occurred in 雷 léi ‘thunder’, where it has also been simplified to 田. See 儡 (傀儡 kuǐlěi ‘puppet’) and 垒(壘) lěi ‘pile up’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 纍(􂒭) léi ‘string together (pearls/etc.); thick rope’ combines 糸 (sī) ‘silk/thread/cord’, and 靁(􁿑) léi (abbrev. phonosemantic).
The primitive meaning of 累() was ‘bind’, hence 糸 ‘thread’, and the extended meanings: tie up, gather, accumulate, build up, get deeply involved, work hard, tired.
Note: Formerly 累/‘string/bind’, and hence 糸 ‘thread’; extended meanings: ‘tie up; gather; accumulate; build up; get deeply involved; work hard; tired’.
#rG.242.32,347.13 K.AD520,GSR577r D.5.3381.4 M.4221 KX..919.35 B.192.0.02
In modern simple-form texts only 累 lèi/lěi occurs; in modern full-form texts both forms 纍 léi and 累 lèi/lěi occur.
Note: The abbrev. form 累 lèi came into use long ago to specify that reading, vs. léi.
Compare: 儡 (傀儡 kuǐlěi ‘puppet’); 垒(􂤏), (􂚍) lěi ‘pile up’.
Compare: 垒(􂤏) lěi ‘pile up earthen (unfired) bricks’, formerly wr. 厽(􂤍), later also 絫(􂤎) lěi ‘pile up’.
Compare: 壘(􂚍) lěi ‘defensive/military wall’, in which 靁(􁿑) léi (abbrev. phonetic).
Compare: 磊(􁧋) lěi ‘like many stones piled up high, imposing/grand’.
HDZ: 累 : lěi : 堆集, 积聚; 连续, 屡次; 重叠, 重复; 增加; 拖累, 累赘; 合计, 总计; 絫: (古) (单位); 转行貌; 裸 (luǒ): 袒裸; (姓) • léi : 縲: 绳索; 拘系, 捆绑 (cf. 纍, 縲); 㹎: 交配期的牡牛 (cf. 纍) • lèi : 牵连, 拖累 (cf. 纍); 负担, 包袱; 伤害; 委托, 嘱附; 罪行, 过失; 缺陷, 毛病; 忧患, 祸害; 疲劳, 疲惫; 从, 随; 恐; (旧) 妻子与资产; 亏欠, 亏损; 缠绕 • lǜ : (古匈奴官名) 謼遬累 • liè : (地名) 肥累
#rG.242.32,347.13 K.AD520,GSR577r D.5.3381.4 M.4221 KX..919.35 B.192.0.02 E.1
#y leuih\</WL>
#y leuih\

Latest revision as of 04:38, 9 June 2019

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