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<WL>独(F獨) [dú] only, alone; 独立 dúlì independent
<WL>独(F獨) [dú] only, alone; 独立 dúlì independent@@; (HDZ:) cf. 独 (俗字)
From 犭(犬 quǎn) ‘dog’ and 蜀 shǔ (‘silkworm’) phonetic, simplified to (chóng ‘worm’).
The simple-form character 独 is an abbrev. of the full-form character 獨, replacing the full-form component 蜀 (13 strokes) with its lower part 虫 (6 strokes), as in 触/觸, 浊/濁.
Why is 犭(犬 quǎn) ‘dog’ a component in 独 ‘alone’? Shuōwén says: “羊爲群, 犬爲獨 Yáng wéi qún, quǎn wéi dú.” Maybe this refers to a lone sheep dog guarding a 群 qún herd of sheep.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 独/獨(􁬇) dú ‘solitary dog (lone wolf)’ combines 犭(犬 quǎn) ‘dog’, and 蜀(􂕆) shǔ ‘silkworm/cocoon (isolated)’ (phonosemantic); certain breeds of dog/animal are solitary (non-social), not living in packs (or flocks, like sheep), they are highly territorial (like big cats), and come together with members of their own species only to fight/mate.
#rK.AD916 D.2.1344.6 B.125.1.04
Compare: 属/屬(􁜶) zhǔ ‘join/link together’; shǔ ‘class/category/kind’ (of things linked together, not alone).
Compare: (古) 獨 dú ‘a solitary great ape; (mythical) white tiger-like animal’ (HDZ).
Compare: 触/觸(􀰹) chù ‘butt/ram (with the horns)’; 浊/濁(􁸉) zhuó ‘muddy/foul’; 烛/燭(􁮇) zhú ‘torch/candle’.
Compare: 猫/貓 māo ‘cat’, in which 犭 is an abbrev. of 豸(􁨃) zhì ‘feline’ (cf. 豸); 豹(􁨄) bào ‘leopard; panther’.
#rK.AD916 D.2.1344.6 B.125.1.04 E.0
#y duhk-</WL>
#y duhk-

Latest revision as of 18:25, 30 November 2022

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