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<WL>牧 [mù] herd, tend; 牧场 pasture; 牧民 herdsman
<WL>牧 [mù] herd/tend (livestock); 牧民 herdsman; 牧场 pasture/grazing land; 放牧 put out to pasture; 畜牧业 animal husbandry@@; (HDZ:) …
From 牛 (niú) ‘ox’ and 攵(攴 pū) ‘beat’.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 牧(􀣚𤘴) mù ‘herder (herd/tend livestock)’ combines 攵(攴 pū) ‘tap/strike’ (as in 𢼝, 教, 攷, 敲), and 牛 (niú) ‘humped-ox’; herd/tend/drive oxen/livestock, with a staff (shepherd's crook).
#rG.459.16 K.GSR1037a D.3.1803.19 L.132 M.4599 KX..698.16 B.082.0.05
Note: For the SW gloss pun on 牧 ‘herd/shepherd/shepherdess’, cf. 母(􂉝) mǔ ‘mother’; 拇(􂄞) mǔ ‘thumb’ (shepherdess of the hand).
Compare: 养/養(􀷹𩛬) yàng ‘tend to (flock)’, formerly wr. 𢼝(􀷺); 放养牲畜 ‘to put livestock out to pasture’ (HDZ).
#y muhk-</WL>
HDZ: 牧 : mù : 放养牲畜; 放养牲畜的人; 牧场, 放牧的地方; (古) 城邑的远郊; 统治, 主管; (古) 州的长官; 修养, 教养; 法度; 臣服, 受统治; (春秋) 最下贱的奴隶; 黑腹牛; (古) (单位) 井田制中计量土地面积; (简称) 畜牧业; (古地名) 牧野 (cf. 㙁/坶); (姓)
#rG.459.16 K.GSR1037a D.3.1803.19 L.132 M.4599 KX..698.16 B.082.0.05 WHY...84 E.1
#y muhk-

Latest revision as of 04:27, 9 June 2019

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