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<WL>扶 [fú] support with the hand; help@@  [pú] 扶服=匍匐  [fū] (HDC:) 扶寸, 膚
<WL>扶 [fú] help/sustain; support with the hand@@; (HDZ:) … [pú] 扶服=匍匐  [fū] (HDC:) 扶寸, 膚
From 扌(手 shǒu) ‘hand’ and 夫 fū phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 扶(􂄹) fú ‘help’ (扶左/佐) combines 扌(手 shǒu) ‘hand’ and 夫(􁱟) ‘(adult) man’ (phonosemantic); formerly wr. 𢻳(􂄺).
#rK.GSR101f D.3.1833.2 M.1909 G.077.46,079.48 KX..419.05 B.040.0.02
Note: For the SW gloss character 左, cf. 佐 (扶佐).
Compare: 傅(􁖸) fù ‘help/assist; instruct/educate’, later wr. 辅/輔(􂡯).
Compare: 抚/撫(􂆁𢺌) fǔ ‘stroke/soothe’.
Compare: 抚养 fụ̌yǎng ‘(of elders) foster/raise (juniors/children)’; 扶养 fúyǎng ‘provide/care for (peers/elders)’ (GFC).
HDZ: 扶 : fú : (SW: 左; cf. 佐) 佐助, 帮助 (扶危济困, 救死扶伤); 扶持, 搀扶 (扶老携幼); 倚仗; 治理; 勉力撑持 (病、醉时的肢体); 拄持, 扶持它物以支撑身体; 护送; 靠近; 旁, 旁侧; 攀缘; (古) 妇女肃拜行礼的一种动作; (量词); (组绶名) 四系; (介词) 方向, 循, 沿; (姓) • pú : 扶服=匍匐 (cf. 匍, 伏)
HDC: 扶佐 : 辅佐 (辅助佐理; 帮助皇帝治理国家的人)
#rK.GSR101f D.3.1833.2 M.1909 G.077.46,079.48 KX..419.05 B.040.0.02 E.1
#y fuh\
#y fuh\

Latest revision as of 07:50, 10 September 2019

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