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<WL>谷 [gǔ] (山谷) valley; (F穀) (谷物) grain; 谷子 millet [yù] 吐谷浑@@ [lù] 谷蠡王 (匈奴官名)
<WL>谷 [gǔ] 山谷 ravine/gorge/valley; (radical 150, 谷部); (F穀) 谷物 cereal/grain (谷子 ‘millet’)@@; (HDZ:) … [yù] 吐谷浑  [lù] (匈奴官名) 谷蠡王 [gòu] (F穀) [gào] (F穀) [què] (F穀)
“Picture of a valley and its mouth” —Karlgren.
The character 谷 gǔ ‘ravine’ is an old character, also an old replacement for the full-form character 穀 gǔ ‘cereal/grain’.
Among simple form characters, 谷 gǔ is also borrowed to replace 穀 gǔ ‘grain,’ which happens to have the same pronunciation.
Note: Today among simple-form characters 谷 gǔ ‘ravine’ sometimes has its old meaning (as in 山谷), but also replaces the full-form homophone 穀(􁌤𥡛) gǔ ‘grain’, cf. 穀.
The Shuōwén Seal form of (􁾱𠔌) ‘ravine’ is said to combine 水(􁶢) ‘water’ (abbrev.), and 口(􀌼𠙵) kǒu ‘mouth’ (as in 㕣).
Note: 水(􁶢) ‘water’ (☵) is here abbrev. to simply /𠔁 (⚏), omitting the central vertical stroke 亅 (⚊); cf. 水.
Compare: 㕣(􀐂􀐃𧮲􁾸䜭􁷒􁷑沇) yǎn; 兑/兌(􁝖) duì/yuè (☱䷹); 酋(􂧌) qiú.
“[谷] Picture of a valley and its mouth” —Karlgren(AD).
Compare: 欲(􁞯) yù ‘avarice/greed’: 谷 and 欲 were in the same MC homophone group as 浴 yù ‘bathe’ (余蜀切).
Compare: 𧮲, 䛦, 鵒, 㕡, 叡, 睿, 容, 俗, 裕, 欲, 𤞞, 浴, 谿, 𧯆, 豂, 豅, 𧮯, 谸, 䜭, 鋊, 豄, ….
谷 is the 150th of the 214 Kangxi radicals.
谷 is the 150th of the 214 Kangxi radicals.
#rG.449.35,451.16,462.35,503.27 W.18e H.122 K.AD425,GSR1202a D.6.3902.1 L.62 M.3483 KX..1189.01 B.054.0.06
HDZ: 谷 : gǔ : 两山之间的水流; 两山中间狭长而有出口的地带; 深的坑穴; (中医) (大谷, 小谿); (喻) 困境; 穀: ((总称) 粮食; 生长; 保养); (姓); (简体) 穀 • lù : (匈奴官名) 谷蠡王 • yù : (古) (少数民族名) 吐谷浑
#rG.449.35,451.16,462.35,503.27 W.18e H.122 K.AD425,GSR1202a D.6.3902.1 L.62 M.3483 KX..1189.01 B.054.0.06 E.1
#y guk\
#y guk\

Latest revision as of 01:40, 20 December 2018

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