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<WL>桑 [sāng] mulberry tree; 桑蚕 silkworm; 桑叶 mulberry leaves
<WL>桑 [sāng] mulberry; white mulberry tree (Morus alba); 桑叶 mulberry leaves; 桑果 mulberry fruit; 桑蚕 silkworm@@; (HDZ:) …
A mulberry tree with lots of leaves.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 桑(􁂻) sāng ‘white mulberry tree’ (Morus alba) combines 叒(􁂹) ruò ‘legendary Sunrise tree’ (叒/若木) representing the leaves (of the white mulberry, eaten by silkworms), and 木(􀻢) ‘tree’.
Silkworms like to eat the leaves, hence 桑蚕 sāngcán ‘silkworm’.
Compare: 蚕/蠶(􂗀) cán ‘silkworm’ (Bombyx mori); 茧/繭(􂏵𦇂) jiǎn ‘cocoon’; 桑蚕 sāngcán ‘silkworm’.
#rG.180.28 H.1518 K.AD769,GSR704a D.2.1209.3 L.241 M.5424 KX..526.01 B.177.0.08
HDZ: 桑 : sāng : (SW: 蠶所食葉木) (木名) 桑科桑属植物 (山桑, 鸡桑, 华桑; 桑椹) …; 桑叶; 採桑; 种桑养蚕; (星名) 箕星之精; (古地名); (姓)
#rG.180.28 H.1518 K.AD769,GSR704a D.2.1209.3 L.241 M.5424 KX..526.01 B.177.0.08 WHY...91 E.1
#y song\</WL>
#y song\

Latest revision as of 07:50, 10 September 2019

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