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<WL>极(F極) [jí] extreme; pole; 太极 Tài Jí ☯
<WL>极(F極) [jí] extreme; pole/ridgepole; 太极 Tàijí Supreme Ultimate (union of 阴阳 yīnyáng)@@; (古) donkey pack-frame  [jǐ] cf. 極
The signific part is () ‘tree’.
The simple-form character 极 (7 strokes) is an old form (see below) re-used as an abbrev. of the full-form character (12 strokes), replacing the full-form component (8 strokes) with its old component 及 (3 strokes); cf. 極, 亟.
The full form 極 has jí phonetic; the simple form 极 has 及 jí phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of (􁁩) jí ‘donkey pack-frame’ combines 木 (mù) ‘tree/wood’, and (􀠠) ‘catch’ (phonosemantic).
Not to be confused with 级 jí ‘grade’.
Compare: 極(􀿄) jí ‘ridgepole’ (太极 ‘fate’ ☯); 亟(􂘜𠄹) jí ‘fast/quick/nimble’, in which 及(􀠠).
#rG.540.34,546.16 K.AD327 D.2.1161.9 KX..514.17 B.045.1.02
Compare: /級(􂐭) ‘grade/level’.
HDZ: 极 : jí : 放在驴背上用以载物的木架; (简体) 極; 极插
#rG.540.34,546.16 K.AD327 D.2.1161.9 KX..514.17 B.045.1.02 E.0
#y gihk-</WL>
#y gihk-

Latest revision as of 01:22, 20 December 2018

极 [To view this entry, please log in]

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