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<WL>改 [gǎi] (改变 gǎibiàn) change; 改革 gǎigé reform
<WL>改 [gǎi] change/transform (改变); correct/amend (改正), alter/revise (修改); reform (改革)@@; (HDZ:) 变更, 更易; 改正 …; (姓)
From 己 jǐ phonetic and (攴 pū) ‘beat’ signific. The bottom of is changed from 乚 to 𠄌.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 改(􀢤) gǎi ‘change/transform’ combines 攵(攴 pū) ‘tap/strike’ (as in 更, 教), and (􂤸􂤹𢀒) ‘navel/self’ (phonosemantic): examining/educating oneself and finding that one has strayed from the truth, effect a change (for the sake of self-preservation), abandon the wrong and return to the right.
#rG.274.19 K.AD319,GSR936a D.2.1450.1 M.3196 KX..468.11 B.063.0.08
Compare: 纪/紀(􂐏) jì ‘separate/untangle strands/threads’; 记/記(􀚆) jì ‘record/note; remember’.
Note: (易) ䷯ 改邑不改井 You can change the city, but you can't change the well (no matter where you go, there you are).
Note: (易) ䷩ 见善则迁, 有过则改 Seeing the good, rise to meet it; finding mistakes, correct them.
Note: (易) ䷰→䷾ 有孚改命 On second thought (with due consideration), revise the mandate. [孚, cf. ䷼]
Note: In 改 the component on the left side changes its last stroke from 乚 to 𠄌.
Compare: 攺(􀣖𢻰) yǐ/sì ‘metal/jade amulet’ (大剛卯).
HDZ: 改 : gǎi : 变更, 更易 (cf. 更改) ((易) ䷯ 改邑不改井); 改正 (改邪归正, 改过自新) ((易) ䷩ 见善则迁, 有过则改); 修改 (改文章; 改衣服; …改一改); (姓)
HDC: 更改 : 改变, 改换, 改动
HDC: 改变 : 变化, 事物产生显著的差别; 改换, 更改
HDC: 改换 : 变更, 变换
HDC: 改动 : 文字、项目、次序等的更改、变动
#rG.274.19 K.AD319,GSR936a D.2.1450.1 M.3196 KX..468.11 B.063.0.08 E.1
#y goi/</WL>
#y goi/

Latest revision as of 01:20, 20 December 2018

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