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<WL>愤(F憤) [fèn] (气愤, 愤怒) angry
<WL>愤(F憤) [fèn] angry/furious (气愤, 愤怒); resentful
From 忄(心 xīn) ‘heart’ and 贲() bēn phonetic.
The Shuōwén Seal form of 愤/憤(􁵍) fèn ‘depressed/discontent/resentful’ combines 忄(心 xīn) ‘heart/feeling’, and 贲/賁(􁄛) bì/fèn (phonosemantic).
“Agitated, excited; zeal, ardour” —Karlgren(1923).
Compare: 偾/僨(􁘨) fèn ‘fall/topple/die’, 坟/墳(􂚶) fén ‘grave/tomb’.
Compare 喷 pēn.
“[憤] Agitated, excited; zeal, ardor” —Karlgren(1923).
Also compare 忿 fèn ‘angry’. 忿 and 愤 might be etymologically the same word, though Karlgren(1923) doesn’t mention it. Nevertheless, they are generally used in different compounds.
Compare: /噴(􀏉) pēn ‘yell (in anger); sigh/snort/sneeze’; 忿(􁴸) fèn ‘angry’.
#rK.AD709 D.4.2325.14 B.243.0.03
Compare: 愤怒, 忿怒 fènnù ‘angry’; cf. 忿.
#rK.AD709 D.4.2325.14 B.243.0.03 E.0
#y fahn/
#y fahn/

Latest revision as of 03:23, 11 May 2018

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